четверг, 30 декабря 2010 г.

My year 2010

Frankly speaking I was trying to write this post as late as possible in case something else will happen with me this year, so that I have to write it down for the future reminding :( As of now I hope that all possible shit already happened to me and I can carry on with plain page in 2011. So, let's start evaluation of my 2010, for it to be remembered!

Mum and I went to Egypt and head great time there. I saw Ahmed and spend some time with him, though as usually not enough. I sincerely wish that this year it will be possible to meet somewhere in this hectic world. In the middle of January I left back to US to continue my studies and as usually craziness begin. That semester I was really trying hard to be optimistic and look on the brighter sides of life. I actually did! I can be proud of myself.

I can not remember anything specific, except usual studying and working in the lab. Though it was my first time such an asshole as a mentor. Seriously, I was defenetly impressed with cultural insensitivity, total arrogance and stubbornness of this person, though at the end of my rotation in that lab I realized that if my mentor wouldn't be such a jerk, I would get that much work done, cause I decided that I need to show him that I can work and I can get results and that's basically what I did :)

I finished first lab rotation and after giving presentation other lab members were telling me that it was the best presentation from a rotation student that they ever seen and some of them are getting double degree, which means a lot! And I just continued studying like crazy.

I shifted to another lab and it was totally different environment. Just girls in that lab, that's something! Believe me! But in general I liked the work. First time tried working with animals. Really exciting! And then I had to choose a lab where I would like to continue my research. And I maid my decision, I stayed with the lab where I came first. I decided to do something in the middle between chemistry and biology. Let's see how it all will work out! :)

Nothing that much special. As usually working in the lab, but at least at that time no more studies.Of course there were some going out with friends for dinners, movies and other stuff like that, but nothing that much spectacular. Also in May I got my grades and I realized that I'm still staying on the probation. How should I better describe my state of mind at that moment: basically it was coma. When you can not breath, you can not think of anything else, but the question: How come??? How come this shit is happening to me? Why again? I thought that I did all that I can, no? Again? As usually what happened in the reality, another mistake of that time DGS and once again I was fucked up! Well, seems I'm getting used to it. Oh yes, and I broke left arm. Now I can proudly say that every moving part of my body was broken. Both legs and both arms.

Mum came to visit me, because her girl had expired visa and couldn't travel outside US. It was good time. We went to California and my dream to see San-Francisco, LA and Pacific ocean came true! Guys it is an amazing beauty! Seriously I would defiantly recommend to visit these places! At least once in your life! The only thing next time I should choose people with whom to travel better to avoid some misunderstandings along the way. Then mum left and continued working in the lab all the time, except this time I started to bond with some people in my department: Anand and Hazem. Those were great times!

Bonding with some people started to be stronger, with some people less intense. Maryana came and we were rocking the house, while she was staying at my place. That was super-awesome! Great celebration of Hazem's birthday in amazing Arabic restaurant. You know sometimes I think that I have something to do with guys who were born in July :)

Maryana was still staying with me, we were still having crazy fun with a lot of laughing, wine and guys talks. So, if you think that only guys can discuss how girls are looking you are totally wrong, we enjoy such talks too, but about an opposite sex :) Also in August new semester started and frankly saying hell came to me again, because I had to re-take several courses that I didn't manage to do last Fall. And yes, bonding with one person started to be stronger than before :)

Get through courses, calling to Belarus to congratulate grandparents. Getting out with friends here, there and of course working in the lab.

Again not much. Working in the lab, studying. Sometimes going out for movies. See guys, my life is boring here and you don't want to believe! :) Well, but all this misery is called science. :)

Started with sinus infection when half of my face was swollen and I couldn't normally celebrate my birthday. Though on 2nd of November I received greetings all around the world and yes Hazem, Raghu and Emma made my day really great! Thank you guys for that! I didn't have planned party because of my face and then it took me another week to recover. I think except my birthday there was nothing interesting in that month. Exams, studying, lab. That's all.

And here comes all ever possible fun, read shit, that could ever happen to me. When my exams were finally over and I thought that I can concentrate more on my research my professor told me that he is not satisfied with my work, there were other complications following this conversation. I received final grades for my exams and they were not good again. It took me one week of fights, struggling, involving all ever possible forces, even my mum to solve this issue. I was almost expelled from University and then in 30 min situation drastically changed. I got one more chance to improve. I got one more opportunity to show that I can actually perform, that I can get results and I ca work really hard. But you can not even imagine how hard it was for me. I even checked tickets to go back home! That's how bad it was! It was a month of betrayal, it was a month when I lost all believe in myself, when I thought that nothing can be worse than what I was going through. Well, I'm sure that people who survived genocide in Rwanda or in Darfur will tell me opposite, but every time when we are passing through hard situation in life we tend to think that the worst shit ever happens just with us. I don't want to think like that, I just know that it was freakishly hard. That's all.

About my last year resolutions you will be really surprised, but I actually achieved all of them. So, I can be proud of myself.

About this year resolutions:
1) When you coming to work first of all you have to actually work, second of all you have to show everyone that you are working, so that no extra questions will appear.
2) Enjoy every moment of happiness that you have, even if it is little tiny, just enjoy it and try to keep in your heart as long as possible. Who knows, there might be such situation just in the next second when someone or something will try to wipe it out. Hold to it!
3) Keep on dreaming, you are so good in it! And keep on transforming your dreams into reality! You especially talented in it!

I sincerely wish that year 2011 will be better than 2010!

That's all folks :)