суббота, 16 января 2010 г.

My year 2009

Even though it is almost the end of the month I decided to write this post, because 2009 was really special for me. So, let's start.

My New 2009 year I spent in Indian club with one of my craziest friends, my dearest Franka!

So, as we've been the only white girls in that club, we've been super stars!!!! And when next morning (yes, Indians are working on the 1st of January) I came to the office my colleague told me that he has seen me on TV yesterday. Also that January was full of crazy parties in the interns house, parties with Gagz (another crazy friend of mine :))) ), work at the company, few conflicts with mum (eventually she didn't like my staying in India, let's guess why :)) ).

According to my facebook pictures and some parts of my memory I visited lovely (read crappy) city Allahabad. This is probably the oldest city I've ever been. At least it looked like that. I seriously thought that this houses will fell down on me, when I was passing next to them. Place that I'm going to associate with Allahabad is its fort. It will always stay in my heart, my memories and in my mind. First time I've seen such a mysterious temple, that was located underground. It was great!!! Guys, you need to see by your own eyes!

Also, I passed my GRE there, but it is not that much interesting :)) As well, it was the only place when something mysterious happened with me. I visited there one of the Hindu temples, which was really veeeeery big, 3-4 flours. So, when I reached the top I've seen statue of Kali (check google, if you don't know who is that :)) ). So, I decided to take a picture of it and when I tried doing so, smoke starting to go out from my camera. Guys, I know that it sounds like a joke. I don't care. It happened with me and believe in it! I decided that Kali doesn't want me taking her picture, so I switched off my camera and didn't take any more pictures in that temple!

In March Franka and I went to Amritsar. Shit!!!!! That was probably the craziest thing I've ever did in my life! Or better to say the craziest trip I ever had. I'm for real! First of all, Friday night we decided on Saturday to go for this trip (Indian style). I was working on Saturday till 2 pm and Franka went to the club on Friday night. So, as you can see the best combination\planning\preparation for a trip, where just two girls are :) In the bus I left essential for me medicine (blondy :)) ). Than at 11 pm we entered Golden temple. Guys, it is real miracle! I've never seen something similar. It was great!!!

So, after some small excursion around Franka and I decided that we need to find some place where we can stay for a night. And as I was the most prepared among us, I read in Wikipedia travel that we can stay for a night in the temple. we asked some guys that are working there to show us room for foreigners (as they call it: VIP room). Thanks GOD I didn't say that we don't need anything extraordinary. So, this is this room:

After seeing it, Franka said: "Yulia I will pay, but let's go to the hotel! Please!" My answer was: "Franka, we came to India to experience something new! So, enjoy!" And we stayed in that room. That is what I call: move out from your comfort zone :). In the morning we went to see Golden temple from inside and I can say that it was amazing. Once again I just can appreciate how Indians adore there religion. This is something that we, Ukrainians need to learn from them!

In April we had Holi celebration. Nothing that much special, except of the fact that first we were all in different colors and than in mud. Though it was fun :)

And also in April I left home. Left my second home - India. I had great good bye party, where I got drunk and my lovely LCP put me in bad and forced me to sleep. I had great trip to Rajastan and I've seen Taj Mahal. There were lot's of great people around during that month. They were sooo kind with me. They were so helpful. Among them I would like to mention 3 VERY SPECIAL personalities: Natasha - great travel buddy, who made me laugh and think about serious stuff simultaneous, Akkriti, who was so kind to host me in Delhi, where I had to spend 3 days before my flight and special thank you I would like to say for Tonya, who made our staying in Jaipur so great!

I stayed at home. No trips. Another crazy friend of mine Katya Petrenko came to visit me for a week. And we had great time together. Really. The best party was when Anticrisis cafe was closing. Those people that we were with me that evening will understand.

In June Franka came to visit me or official reason was to participate in the project: WWB. That was great time. As usually I had a hostel at my place for all the interns that were present at that time in Lviv. Why do I live soo close to the trainee house? :)) But I'm glad for that :) I always have with whom to hang out :)
Also, Franka and I had a trip to Kiev and Dnipropetrovsk. In Kiev I had orientation from Fulbright to be prepared for trip to US. Well, what can I say. AIESEC is doing that much better for trainees. After Kiev we went to Dnipro. I think that expectations of all people involved in that trip were a bit different. That's why we had some misunderstandings. As a result we worked out everything :) I swam in river Dnipro. I will never do it again, at least in Dnipropetrovsk.

The same. Franka was living at my house. Which was nice. She is a great cook. We had lot's of nice drinking evenings/nights with trainees and Pikh. He was living with interns at that moment of time. Once again Turkish were in my life, but just for small little tiny while :))) I had great time with my friends. Gathering for beer at my place is still a good tradition. I like that.

I went to the Carpathian mountains with my mum. Which was nice. Some time together before my trip to US. As usually I was impressed with beauty of Ukraine as a country and once again I was disappointed with the quality of our service. But it is Ok. We Ukrainians are used to that. Franka left home. It was something like part of your heart was going to Germany. When she was standing in that fucking airport I couldn't speak, because I had like a clod in my throat. I think that she understood how much I love her and how much I will miss her. It was hard to say goodbye to her. Very hard.

And than I left to US.

It was the hardest time ever. I never felt so alone, so left and so useless. I couldn't understand even a word during the lectures. System of education is so different. Expectations of professors are so high and you need to perform well. No one pays attention that you are foreigner, that you might not get what they want from you. Who cares??? You need to show high results. You are in graduate school. That's all. I will not even mention all my stories about loosing luggage, loosing room-mate and my searching for a flat. The most important is that eventually it was all ok.

Lot's of studying. Lot's of!!!!! Work in the lab. From 10 am till 8-9 pm. I wanted to kill myself. The only thing that kept me motivated was my ticket back home. On 13th of December I would say everyone: fuck off, I'm going home! Nice, right??? :)) I know, sounds like I'm very proper and well-behaved girl :)) I don't care :)
I went to see my сousine in New York state. It was nice to see some family members. As well, one of my dreams came true: I saw and even touched an ocean. And also I will never forget my 30 hours trip back to Chicago. Usually this trip takes 16 hours by bus and 2 hours by airplane.

Started with my birthday :) It was great party. For 20 people. I cooked everything by myself. And I was constantly happy during that evening. I got drunk. I had lot's of men attention because of my great dress :)))
This month I also had lot's of studying and lot's of work in lab.
For Thanksgiving day Fern and I went to her former group-mate house for a dinner. It was nice to see how Americans celebrate their holidays. All I can say is that original American food is not that much tasty.

First part of it was totally crazy. I never studied sooooooooooooo hard. I'm serious. As I was saying that every month in US is like a year of studying in Ukraine. Guys, think twice before applying for Graduate school in medical sciences in US. Really. I passed my finals and we had a small party at my place. It changed a lot. I reconsidered my life style and some changes. I know that they will help in future.
On 13th of December I went home and I was the happiest person on the world. I saw my mum and my best friends. Finally!!!!!! I'm home :)))) My real home :)
Finally I found time for: dentist, massage, cosmetologist, hair-dresser.
On 2nd of January mum and I went to Egypt. Trip was very nice. We were snorkeling a lot. See world in Egypt is simply amazing. I suggest everyone to see it by themself.

On 12th of January I went to US.

My New Year resolutions:
1) Concentrate more time/efforts/passion on studying.
2) Find a normal man
3) Change few habits :)
4) Stay positive as much as possible
5) Find more time for my valuable friends.

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