воскресенье, 28 ноября 2010 г.

Dear John

Yesterday I saw this great movie and I think for the last half an hour I just couldn't stop crying. For those that haven't seen just a quick summary. Whole movie is based on the love story between a girl and a guy. They knew each other for 2 weeks and within this time they fell in love and already couldn't imagine life separately. But there is one complication. He is US army soldier and he has to return back to his duty. His father has a slight form of autism, which was discovered by this girl. His mother is not in a picture, and we don't know what happened with her. She is coming from rich family. She is just a perfect girl, she doesn't drink, doesn't smoke, and she is doing charity. So, after 2 weeks he left. All the time he is being trans-located around different countries somewhere in Africa, Europe and others. And all this time they send each other letter. Letters, that are describing all their life, their dreams, their beliefs and of course all these letters all full of love to each, that they are cherishing all the time. Both of them are still living in memories of those 2 weeks. After 1 year of serving duty to his country terroristic act in New York happened and all colleagues of John decide to extend their service to continue their duty for the country. Chief officer is giving them 36 hours to think about their decision and if they decided to follow it they should report on Monday. That's how John is going back home to Savanaha. Of course he meets his dad their. He is as usually more interested in his coins collection than in anything else and it is hard to communicate with him. John and Savanaha go to her parents party and there he is telling her that he has to stay 2 more years in army. Because he has duty and he has responsibilities towards his colleagues. He just can not leave them. For her it is really hard to accept it, but there is nothing what can be done. Another figure in the movie is Savanah's neighbor. His son also has autism and his mother left him.
So, John left. And for another year they exchange letters with Savanaha. And at some point of time letters stop coming. For 2 months. And then he receives a letter from her, where she wrote that she got engaged and in some time she is going to get married. It was a big shock for John and the only treatment that he knows is to extend his staying in army. That's the thing he knows the best in his life. And he stayed. He was again dislocated all around the world and during one of the operations he got shot. Thank's God he didn't die, but it took him 3 months to recover. No matter what he decided to continue. After 5 years he received a message from home that his father is in the hospital. He had a stroke. John is rushing back home where he finds his father dying. He spend last moments of dad's life next to him. And no matter how their relationship were during past few years you can see how much John loves his dad.
And he went to visit Savanaha. She is already married. Savanaha got married to her neighbor. The one that had son with autism. He has late stage of cancer and now he is in the hospital.
Later, when John and Savanaha had a talk, why it all happened like that, she told him: I had to help Tim, he had cancer, it was my duty".

And I think it was a key thing about this movie. Both of them had their duties in life. John had duty to his country and to his colleagues. Savanaha had a duty to help Tim and his son.And no matter what they were following it. No matter how strong was desire to stay with each other. Forget about everything, forget about war, forget about ill people and people in need, forget about everything that might distract them from each other. But they were strong in their believes. They were following their path and eventually they successed. Savanaha stayed with Tim until his last days and took care of his son. John completed all his missions for US army and when he returned home, they incidentally meet in one cafe.
So, it means that if each of us will follow their path and do what he/she is supposed to do in this life we will eventually find our happiness and we will be rewarded? But how to know what is exactly our duty? What exactly we are meant to do?

2 комментария:

Анонимный комментирует...

привет, В пятницу на работе посмотрю.

mihedka комментирует...

Буду рада узнать, кто будет смотреть этот фильм в пятницу на работе :)