четверг, 8 мая 2008 г.


Well, I have no idea why but I decided to write this post in English. Maybe in future I will write more posts in english for all my international friends to understand what is going on in my life, who know :)
Starting from today I have 1 week and 3 days before my first exams are starting. Damn, it will be hard. It will be hard for several reasons. First of all- personal attitude of the several professors, but more trully just one but very powerfull in my department. She will make my life in two weeks just amazing. I know that, but I'm enough wise and strong to pass through all challenges that life is giving to me. If I will look at this situation from another point of view it is a possibility to learn one of the main subjects that my speciality requires byheart. Who knows maybe I will use that knowledge in the nearest future.
Yesterday I applyed for Fulbright scholarship. I get official approvement from them. In the end of May I will get first result and due to that I will know wether I passed the first round. Hope that answer will be possitive for me :)))
I'm still waiting answer from OMRON, my possible internship in Japan. I knew that Japanise are very burocratic, so I was moraly prepared for that. The only thing that time for visa is decreasing very quickly and I hope that I will get answer from them till the end of week. At least let's hope for that.

As I wrote previously I will have crazy week soon so now I'm at the preparation perioud. You should see me these days. I was running around the University like mad. I was collecting papers, I was putting lot's of signatures, I was trying to do unbelievable. To be in several places in the moment. I was trying to make my schedule as resultive as I could. But today when I'm analizing all the stuff that I've done for this time only thing that I'm satisfied with is that I send all necessary documentation for Fulbright. I can't say that I feet to all criterias that I set for myself, I still have lot's of tasks to do and at this very moment I feel that have no more energy inside. I'm like lemon without juice. And at the same time I know that I can't be weak now, even opposite, I need to collect all my internal powers to achieve more then I'm expecting from myself.
As one of my good friends said that best motivation is work. So I need to go back to all my tasks and to do them, because in other way I will be even more dissapointed with myself. 

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