пятница, 27 февраля 2009 г.

Things that 20 years old need to have...

Today in the morning I was walking to my work and I had so many things in my head in a same moment. I thought about my family, about my mum, my grandparents. I thought about my friends in Ukraine and my friends in India. I thought about relationship that as Sasha said are a bit windy. I thought about the things that 20 years old person need to have/experience/live during this period of time.And after that I came with such a list:

1) You need to fall in love. Great love, that will lead you in every action, every thought, every idea. Love, that will overflow you with new feelings, emotions and images. Love that you will always remember, because most probably it will be your first love. I had it.

2) You need to have one friend that can die for you and can die for him/her. This should a person, whom you can call at 3 am and first thing that you will hear as reply, will not be: What da fuck? Have you seen what time is it now? But you will hear: What happened? How can I help you? Maybe, this person will not have time to hang-out with you every Friday in the cafe, but this person will always meet you in the airport/railway station/bus stand, when you will come home. I had it.

3) You need to have a country, except your own Motherland, that you will always dream about. For sure, you need to visit it and than afterwards always remind yourself about that trip.About feelings and emotions that were over bursting from you during this 10/20/120 days that you've spend in that country. You need to be inspired by people, that are living there, by unique culture, by outstanding architecture/museums, you need to fall in love with nature and sight views of this country. I have it. And not one :)

4) You need to love you Motherland. Not for the political leaders, or for economical system, not for resources or facilities that you can get. BUT for people, history, identity and national spirit. I do!. I'm proud to be Ukrainian.

5) You need to have one Biggest failure and one Biggest success. With you experience this two feelings, you know that there are two poles in the world. You know that you can be king of the moment and you can be complete full next time. After feeling THIS you start to think in long-term perspective. You start to realise that every your step might have a such result in your life, that probably never expect to have. I think I had it.Sometimes even too much of both of them

6) You need to have good relations in your family.It doesn't matter how big your family is. Or you are living with 13 brothers and sisters, or your family is just your mum. You need to have good relations between each other. I know that sometimes it might be hard. I know that sometimes it looks almost impossible, but we need to strive for excellence and we need to achieve it. I can't say that I always have it, but I will strive, because I'm a warrior.

7) You need to have purpose in life. Under the purpose I mean constructive and SMART goal that you want to achieve. I don't care if sounds to AIESECish. Seriously I DON'T CARE
I truly believe that only in this way you can achieve success in your professional life and personal development. And don't tell me that it is too European approach, I just know that it works. On this I'm working on right now. India helped me to come with this resolution!

8) You need to keep dreaming and follow your dream. Those who are saying that dreaming is task only for children are too old to understand beauty of life!when you are dreaming, you understand how magical is every day. When you are dreaming, you start seeing miracle in your daily routine. And finally when you are dreaming you see that impossible is nothing! That only limit is sky! And now, the most important part comes! YOU NEED TO FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS!!!! When you are dreaming with all your heart, Universe can feel it, and it starts to help you. The most important is to see and use those chances that you will be offered. Don't waste your time on regretting about the past. Don't waste your time in searching complicated solutions. Genius ideas are usually so simple! And follow your dreams! Because if you will not do it, you will start to be pessimistic in life approach, you will start seeing shit around you that will bother your mind. Free yourself from this nonsense! Live full life!
This ideas about dreams came to me here, in India. I realised that I stopped dreaming, because all my dreams at that moment came true. I'm a Fullbright finalist, I came to India for internship that I was always dreaming about, I'm living completely independent life. All my dreams at that moment came true. And as I said before I stopped dreaming. Well, some small stuff like having a long white skirt were still in my mind, but it its nothing in comparison with Master program in USA. So, now realising this,I start to dream again :)

9) Do at least one crazy thing. Do something that much crazy, that you will always remember. Something, that when you will be thinking about it you will always smile and say to yourself: " How stupid I was to do it, but how cool I felt that moment!" Probably you will never tell about this situation to your children, probably you will never tell it neither to your mum nor to your husband/wife, but you will always think about it with slight proud and satisfaction of yourself!Frankly speaking, I did. And a lot :)))

10) Have a passion in Life. This passion is very personal stuff. For someone it might be fighting with terrorism in a specific country and for someone it is carrying about his/her family. I know people that found passion because of AIESEC and I know people that found it just because good self-reflection and search. It is up to you, how you will find it, but you need to do it! Without having passion, your life is not that colourful as it may be, it is not that much extraordinary and glorious it is not that much eventful. Yes, for sure, you can live your life without it. Yes, you can go to the work and do your tasks there, you can meet different people and even you can be satisfied with it, But just imagine! Just imagine how your life can change when you will have this damn passion!!!!!! Just imagine how extraordinary your life can be, how many new ideas may come to your mind, how many proper(not random) people you can meet!!! Your life will stop being a mixture of random dots. They will unite under one lucky star, that will lead you in life!

Concerning this last 10th point. I thought that I have this passion. I thought that I unite all the dots properly. But being in India, new thought came to me, new dimensions of already existing brand - Yulia Mikhed, started to appear. And my mind-flow, my perception of life and my passion in it stated to change. Now, I'm on way of search. But I have believe. I know that I will successed. Because I'm following my dreams :)

2 комментария:

Christina Domashchuk комментирует...

I've got problems with crazyness, I guess...
And about the failures: I don't believe there are failures in this life, I know only VICTORIES and EXPERIENCE.

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