суббота, 3 января 2009 г.

3th of January

I don't know how to name this post, because I don't have any specific info that I want to put, I'm starting to think that I'm using this blog for myself than for people that are reading it.
Yesterday I had an interview for the EB in AIESEC in Chandigarh.It was a bit strange feeling to sit there, in front of two LCPs, that are really cool guys, two of them are more than passionate about AIESEC and there work, and to answer their questions, to plan together my activities in AIESEC in Chandigarh and to know that now it is MY LC, not only theirs but mine as well, and I as an EB member need to develop it the way they are doing it, but in my own sphere. And it was very strange feeling when two of them stood up and said to me, that our congratulations - you are selected to be a member of EB 2009 in AIESEC n Chandigarh. At that moment I didn't know how I should react. Or should I cheer up and hug them, or should I just smile and say thank's a lot. What do I need to do? I came home very proud of myself, I came home with the feeling that I have something that I was dreaming about. Position of Vice-President.
And when I came home some routine work overloaded me - laundry,cleaning of the dishes, cooking. This are things that I need to do by myself, because I'm the only one responsible for that. And while doing that this feeling of overwhelming excitement just disappeared and I could except this fact in a more calm manner. so, yes, my friends, I'm a member of Executive Body of AIESEC in Chandigarh in 2009 with the position - Vice-President in Talent Management in the training specialization.
One more dream came true.

Today I called my mum. We were talking in a more nice manner than previously, now she is not that mush aggressive and I'm more open to get her thoughts and we are more friends than we were while quarrelling and at the same time I still see that there is gap in the relationship. Today we were talking about my staying in India till the end of May. She wasn't that much upset than she was last time, when I just mentioned about this possibility, but in any case she wasn't happy. She just said that she doesn't know how she will live without me this 3 more months. When she was saying that, my heart was crying and that moment I thought - is it right decision that I'm taking now? Is it the way my life need to go? Do I need to be so far from my mum when I had a possibility to be near her? I don't know till now, I don't have a proper answer. Every way is looking good, but how to know which one is yours?

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