пятница, 6 марта 2009 г.

My dearest Executive Body AIESEC in Chandigarh 2009

You know, my dear friends from all over the world, this time has come. Time to write about people that are making my life here, in Chandigarh. And by the way they are making it GREAT!!!!

I know that there are still so many things to find out about this people, as well for some of them I'm like a mystery. Some of them know me from one side, others from another, but there is one common thing for all of us. We are striving to be a team. Not always it is successful, not always it is soooo bad. But we are together. We have one goal, one dream, one desire - TO BE NUMBER ONE LC IN THE AIESEC WORLD IN 2009 .

So, now I want to share what I think, what I know, what I feel towards these 11 bright Individuals!

So, starting from Sahil :)

This person was among few first people who excepted me in EB, not like a foreigner, not like intern, but as a friend, as a team mate. And I'm so thankful for that. Sahil, is the one who can make me think in another, non-standard way. His best phrase about me: Yuliya, there is fun in life even without agenda!
Thank you Sahil, for all our talks in your car, thank's for always dropping me home, thank's for all your valuable advices in AIESEC work, in life, in staying in India, in acting with guys :)))


Gautam is a person, who's questions are the most non expectable. My personal life is the most interesting topic for discussion. I remember one moment after GEP event, we had party in AIESEC office. We were standing in the yard, drinking beer, making speaches for people who made this event possible. And I was standing near Gautam, Sahil and TJ. You know, at that moment I had so strong feeling of being one team, having the same views on our goals and having the same desire to achieve them!Thank you for that!
Gautam, is always near by to help. If you ask him for a favour he will be always there. He will come to trainee house to solve some problem even in late night or early morning! Thank's Gauti, for your commitment! Thank's for being so funny and so unpredictable!


Sourabh is the most challenging person to work with. You never know what is going on his head. At this moment he can talk about sessions for GEP event, next moment he is telling me something about his life and than back to the video for the first session that we didn't discuss yet :))
But at the same time, only working with such great individual as Sourabh you can feel passion of the organisation, you can understand how much he is carrying for everything that he is doing. And when he is saying: "Yuliya, don't worry, everything will be alright " I really believe in that, because he is great :)))
My last meeting with Sourabh lasted for 4 hours. We created plan of my work, added new dimensions and completely changed perspectives for a few things. He is motivating me to work more and more! Thank you my dear for that!


At the beginning of my term I even didn't see that girl. She wasn't present at EB announcement, I didn't go for NatCong, so we didn't meet for 1 month or something like that. Our first working meeting was probably during GEP event, where I've seen how she is working with media! Gushhhh, that is something fantastic! She is just crazy about that! And this is amazing! Because you see that this person is passionate about her portfolio, about her work and only in that way we can achieve our goals!


Oh, Tushar! It is hard to write about him. First of all this is my colleague in TM area. Second of all he is great team-mate. Tushar organized best recruitment that I ever seen and made great team from guys who were working in recruitment.
He is crapping dirty jokes. He has strange posts in his blog. But still he is somehow special :))


First association that I have with this charming lady, that she is sooooo sweet. Her house is next AIESEC office but with better conditions :) She is always there when you need her! Her passion is AIESEC, she even put statuses in Facebook about AIESEC as a lover. Isn't that strange? Yes, it is. But she is not carrying about that, because she sees something more special in that!
Thank you Mansi, for being close to me, thank's for being my company in buying Valentine cards, even it was never presented. Thank you, for your smiles!


My first meeting with that girl was through e-mails. She made my coming to India possible, because she was the one, who was sending me all required documents for visa. She was among those first people whom I met at Nik Backers cafe when I landed in Chandigarh. And now we are working in one team. She is always creative in finding new ways of approaching companies, raising TNs, matching more EPs with AIESEC in Chandigarh!


I still don't know Shivika that good. But till now I could see that she is very sweet, very nice person that knows what she wants from life.And she is doing that every day. She is planning to raise so much money, that probably we will be reachest LC in India. I just wish that we will realize that in reality, but knowing her potential in ER I don't have any doubts.


That was the most inspiring speech that I heard when person was selected for EB. This is the most passionate about Finance person. This is the most challenging team-mate for me. Usually it is hard to work with him, usually it is hard even to talk with him. But I know, or at least I hope that till the end of my term we will have good and friendly relations :)


I think that we have lot's of common with this person, even though not always it can be seen. He is funny. He is like teddy bear :))) He likes his department and as well he has his own opinion about every situation but not always he is telling that :))
Now, person that is close to his heart left and I think that he is not feeling very good. Abhishek, if you are supposed to be together, you will be!

And finally, person that made my experience here so intensive and so different from common view of intersnhip, person that selected me for this Executive Body, person that is always managing everything.

And this person is Vikram!

Vikram was the first person with whom I contacted in Chandigarh, he was the first one who was managing my coming to Incredible India. I always know that if I face some difficulties in work, in implementing my plans I can come to him and talk about that and he will always have some constructive solution. He is great manager and leader with great potential. He is leading a team of 12 people and I think that it is already something that LCP can be recognised for! His dream, life, passion, desire and everything that you can ever imagine is AIESEC.
He is obsessed with our goal - To be number one LC in the world and he is making us to believe in the reality of this dream!
Thank you Vikram for all of that!

And all together, all this bright, special, unique, incredible individuals are one team - Executive Body AIESEC in Chandigarh 2009


2 комментария:

Анонимный комментирует...

OMG - 11 people in EB, wow! :)

Congrats for you being in EB, авца )
Пусть это будет один из лучших experiences/или лучший в твоей жизни ;)

Чмоки )

mihedka комментирует...

Да,Дегтярьова, то тобі не наше, де часто буває по 4-5 :))
Але як кажуть сторожили ЛК Чандігар, то найбільше ЕБ за всю його історію!

Я теж дуже рада, що моя мрія бути в ЕБ таки здійснилась :))