понедельник, 30 марта 2009 г.

Rishikesh trip

OMG!!!!! That was something!!! This trip was really different to all other trips that we had here in India. Being myself, meaning being a lot into details I will tell story about Rishikesh from very beginning, it means from preparation and organization of this trip :)
I never ever seen such a stressful planning. We were changing our plans every 15 minutes. People who were there tried to convince others, that there is nothing to see in Rishikesh, there is no possibility to do rafting, when it is raining and other crap. After participating in two on-line talks of such a character I understood - that's it! I'm going in any case and I will not pay attention to anyone. One phone call to Franka and we are already going together. So, it means that I will never be alone, when I have my best friend in India near me :) Than we had a few hours debates about how, when , why, with whom we are going with other lovely interns and just random people in our house. Finally, Natasha (intern from Russia and my good friend) made an arrangement with her boss friend that he will go with us and he will help us in everything, especially in transportation - we went to Rishikesh by his car :))) I simply love to be a white girl in India :)))

Trip to Rishikesh was quite interesting. It took us 8 hours instead of 4 that were promised. But who cares? It is called Indian stretchable time. No one is paying attention to stick to their words :(( Unfortunately. All the way David (guy from France, who was intern than employee in India, than was fired and now he is going to China, to find some work/internship there, very interesting personality, by the way :))) ) I think that I will always have associations about him - "Magical moments", Party in French style, products from Manali and lot's of funny jokes. This guy knows how to make people laugh :)))

So, we came to Rishikesh at 1.30 am. Found the hotel for 400 Rs. per room. David was shocked, me as well :((( To pay such a price for such a shit????!!!!????? Never ever I will stay in such a room for such a price. Giving you my word. As a result we decided not to bother ourselves with such a small problems as cockroaches on the floor in the room and in the bathroom, lizards on the wall and great party on the ground floor. Defiantly, who will pay attention to sooooo small inconveniences when whole week you are sleeping less than 6 hours per day, it is already 3 am and tomorrow you are planning to have 4 hours rafting in Ganga river? Yeh, I also think so :)) So, we covered dirty pillows with our pullovers and felt asleep :)))
Morning in Rishikesh started with phone call at 8 am. I wanted to kill that person, than some machines started to work in the yeard and than Natasha called and said that in 15 minutes we will have to leave! OMG. I love my life, my India, my experience here! Guys!!!!!!!! Give me half an hour more to sleeppppp!!!!!!! No way, we need to go!
Early wake up was just a part of nice morning. It started to rain in Rishikesh. Weather was "veeeeeerrrryyyyy good" for rafting. But we decided that we will do that in any case, because we travelled so far, with so many difficulties. Now, it is our responsibility to do that. So, we booked rafting, went for breakfast and finally started our way to the place on river where our adventure will start. As way there took some time, Franka and I started to remind ourselves about all adventures that we had in India with her. OMG, I didn't laugh that much for whole week totally. You know, people, I realised at that moment how many things I already experienced here, how many people I met here, how many countries I have invitation now to come :))) It was great to remind all of that :)))) Thank you Franka, for being all the time with me :)) I love you, my darling! You will always be in my heart, in my memories, in my life. You are always welcomed in every country that I will be living, staying, chilling in :) I know that we will meet in Ukraine and also I know that you will come to USA to meet me. As well I know that WE WILL visit India again, but this time for sightseeing! Pakka, my darling :))))

So, cool, our boat was ready, life-saving jackets are put on, hamlets are on the heads, instruction are understood. Chalo, lets go, friends!
First feelings: "And that's it? We want actions!!!" After first active moment: "Cool, we want more!!!!!!!!!" And we got more!!!!!!!! Guys, rafting is something great! I recommend it to everyone! You need to do it at least once in your life :) Because this rafting resort is oriented for tourist mainly not for sports men, we had a lot of fun, swimming in Ganga and just time for chatting and jokes :)) Thank's David for throwing me to Ganga, without you I will never do that! And now I have this experience. And I'm happy !!!! As well, Ganga as sooo clean in Rishikesh. I remember it in Allahabad. That was damn crap! I would not even think of swimming in that river, but in Rishikesh - why not? It was great :)))
As well, once again I'm impressed by Himalayas nature. It is simply fantastic. When you are passing through places that are completely virgin and on other side you see tourist camp and just polluted Indian villages :) It is very different and very diverse country. I can't stop being amazed by it!
My rafting experience was so cool because of people with whom I was there: Natasha, David, Rajishwar and for sure Franka!
After stopping we went to change to some dry clothes and lunch :)) We went to the restaurant in one hotel and I was shocked to see so many foreigners in one time in one place in India. Obviously, food was prepared as for foreigners, not for Indians, meaning that it was not that spicy :)
After great lunch we decided to go around Rishikesh and finally to go home. You know, guys, at that moment it was hard to take this decision. I will tell you why. When you are sleeping whole week less than 6 hours per day, when you had crazy weekends with lot's of activities, such as rafting, travelling and sightseeing and you still know that tomorrow work is starting. It means that at least at 9.30 am you need to be in the office. As well you need to do something there, most preferably, something useful :))) And you know that trip home will take 6-7 hours. So, it means that you have big chances to come home at 2-3 am. Logically, you will have same 6 hours to recover from trip and to go for work.
On the other hand - you have possibility to see Rishikesh, you have possibility to go to unknown temples, you have possibility to buy some cheap souvenirs for your friends and for yourself and generally you have a possibility to do something different from daily routine!
I think you already guessed what we did :)) Obviously, we stayed :)) And we enjoyed. It was great. Rishikesh is great small city, with lot's of crazy people that are thinking that they are saint or at least something like that. There are lot's of nice temples, there are lot's of shops with cool Indian clothes, but prices are a bit higher than in Amritsar for example, because there are too many stupid tourists that are paying high price for that products!
I was blessed by some strange guy from Hindu temple. Now, I have holy ribbon on my wrist and red spot on my forehead :)) Funny :)
Souvenirs were bought, city seen and we went back home :))

I don't know why, but trip home wasn't that long as trip to Rishikesh. Maybe our driver stopped being lost ??? :)))) Who knows? But as a result at 1.30 am we were at home:))) Finally, my bed, my pillow, my room.

Thank's once again to everyone, who made this trip so great!!!! It was great experience, great views, great emotions and feelings!
Love you :)))

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