понедельник, 8 декабря 2008 г.


As Christina Domashchuk has wise thoughts while she is in marshrutka I have wise thoughts here in India when I'm in auto-riksha. Especially this wise thoughts are coming to me when I have hang-over after nice party with Stephanie or some other guys from the house #21 where lot's of interns are living :)
So, the 2 days ago in the morning I had some wise thoughts about culture. I don't know why but I was comparing culture of India and culture of Turkey. I don't know why I compared this two countries but you never know what thoughts will come to your head when you have horrible hang-over and you are in completely different country.
So, coming back to my thoughts. Through the process of comparing I get to the conclusion that culture of Turkey is looking intelligent and at the same time more closer to mine, even though this culture is Muslim and mine is Christian. In Istanbul I was seeing the life from different sides or maybe from the sides that were open to me and I really liked that life out there. I was feeling that in some way that life is close to my internal world. And here in India I usually see culture that is not known by me and the main effect that this culture is having on me is that I'm really confused by it. Sometimes it is sounding so natural as for me and sometimes it is so aggressive and out of norm. I don't know, maybe it is just thoughts of horrible morning and my opinion will change in a few days, but this is my impression of Indian culture till now.

1 комментарий:

Nastya комментирует...

regarding the cultures...
Well,you know,sweetie, thta it could be definitely because of your unawereness of the country culture you are right now in.
Before going there main questions that bothered you were:climate,trasport,medical insurance and such thing as culture was by default...
Of coarse you are eXPerienced @-er,but I guess India is such a country that doesn't count those things:)
And I think that till the end of your internship-after understanding the culture and feeling India as a country you'll fall in love with it.
Remember your first thoughts about Turkey. I really doubtthey were similar to your current once. Prejudices and first impressions-those are your enemies right now:)
Be strong to overcome them.
SUpporting you in everything you do,believe or planning to do:)
Hugs and kisses