Frankly speaking I was trying to write this post as late as possible in case something else will happen with me this year, so that I have to write it down for the future reminding :( As of now I hope that all possible shit already happened to me and I can carry on with plain page in 2011. So, let's start evaluation of my 2010, for it to be remembered!
Mum and I went to Egypt and head great time there. I saw Ahmed and spend some time with him, though as usually not enough. I sincerely wish that this year it will be possible to meet somewhere in this hectic world. In the middle of January I left back to US to continue my studies and as usually craziness begin. That semester I was really trying hard to be optimistic and look on the brighter sides of life. I actually did! I can be proud of myself.
I can not remember anything specific, except usual studying and working in the lab. Though it was my first time such an asshole as a mentor. Seriously, I was defenetly impressed with cultural insensitivity, total arrogance and stubbornness of this person, though at the end of my rotation in that lab I realized that if my mentor wouldn't be such a jerk, I would get that much work done, cause I decided that I need to show him that I can work and I can get results and that's basically what I did :)
I finished first lab rotation and after giving presentation other lab members were telling me that it was the best presentation from a rotation student that they ever seen and some of them are getting double degree, which means a lot! And I just continued studying like crazy.
I shifted to another lab and it was totally different environment. Just girls in that lab, that's something! Believe me! But in general I liked the work. First time tried working with animals. Really exciting! And then I had to choose a lab where I would like to continue my research. And I maid my decision, I stayed with the lab where I came first. I decided to do something in the middle between chemistry and biology. Let's see how it all will work out! :)
Nothing that much special. As usually working in the lab, but at least at that time no more studies.Of course there were some going out with friends for dinners, movies and other stuff like that, but nothing that much spectacular. Also in May I got my grades and I realized that I'm still staying on the probation. How should I better describe my state of mind at that moment: basically it was coma. When you can not breath, you can not think of anything else, but the question: How come??? How come this shit is happening to me? Why again? I thought that I did all that I can, no? Again? As usually what happened in the reality, another mistake of that time DGS and once again I was fucked up! Well, seems I'm getting used to it. Oh yes, and I broke left arm. Now I can proudly say that every moving part of my body was broken. Both legs and both arms.
Mum came to visit me, because her girl had expired visa and couldn't travel outside US. It was good time. We went to California and my dream to see San-Francisco, LA and Pacific ocean came true! Guys it is an amazing beauty! Seriously I would defiantly recommend to visit these places! At least once in your life! The only thing next time I should choose people with whom to travel better to avoid some misunderstandings along the way. Then mum left and continued working in the lab all the time, except this time I started to bond with some people in my department: Anand and Hazem. Those were great times!
Bonding with some people started to be stronger, with some people less intense. Maryana came and we were rocking the house, while she was staying at my place. That was super-awesome! Great celebration of Hazem's birthday in amazing Arabic restaurant. You know sometimes I think that I have something to do with guys who were born in July :)
Maryana was still staying with me, we were still having crazy fun with a lot of laughing, wine and guys talks. So, if you think that only guys can discuss how girls are looking you are totally wrong, we enjoy such talks too, but about an opposite sex :) Also in August new semester started and frankly saying hell came to me again, because I had to re-take several courses that I didn't manage to do last Fall. And yes, bonding with one person started to be stronger than before :)
Get through courses, calling to Belarus to congratulate grandparents. Getting out with friends here, there and of course working in the lab.
Again not much. Working in the lab, studying. Sometimes going out for movies. See guys, my life is boring here and you don't want to believe! :) Well, but all this misery is called science. :)
Started with sinus infection when half of my face was swollen and I couldn't normally celebrate my birthday. Though on 2nd of November I received greetings all around the world and yes Hazem, Raghu and Emma made my day really great! Thank you guys for that! I didn't have planned party because of my face and then it took me another week to recover. I think except my birthday there was nothing interesting in that month. Exams, studying, lab. That's all.
And here comes all ever possible fun, read shit, that could ever happen to me. When my exams were finally over and I thought that I can concentrate more on my research my professor told me that he is not satisfied with my work, there were other complications following this conversation. I received final grades for my exams and they were not good again. It took me one week of fights, struggling, involving all ever possible forces, even my mum to solve this issue. I was almost expelled from University and then in 30 min situation drastically changed. I got one more chance to improve. I got one more opportunity to show that I can actually perform, that I can get results and I ca work really hard. But you can not even imagine how hard it was for me. I even checked tickets to go back home! That's how bad it was! It was a month of betrayal, it was a month when I lost all believe in myself, when I thought that nothing can be worse than what I was going through. Well, I'm sure that people who survived genocide in Rwanda or in Darfur will tell me opposite, but every time when we are passing through hard situation in life we tend to think that the worst shit ever happens just with us. I don't want to think like that, I just know that it was freakishly hard. That's all.
About my last year resolutions you will be really surprised, but I actually achieved all of them. So, I can be proud of myself.
About this year resolutions:
1) When you coming to work first of all you have to actually work, second of all you have to show everyone that you are working, so that no extra questions will appear.
2) Enjoy every moment of happiness that you have, even if it is little tiny, just enjoy it and try to keep in your heart as long as possible. Who knows, there might be such situation just in the next second when someone or something will try to wipe it out. Hold to it!
3) Keep on dreaming, you are so good in it! And keep on transforming your dreams into reality! You especially talented in it!
I sincerely wish that year 2011 will be better than 2010!
That's all folks :)
Risk, more than others think is safe. Dream, more than others think is wise.
четверг, 30 декабря 2010 г.
воскресенье, 28 ноября 2010 г.
Dear John
Yesterday I saw this great movie and I think for the last half an hour I just couldn't stop crying. For those that haven't seen just a quick summary. Whole movie is based on the love story between a girl and a guy. They knew each other for 2 weeks and within this time they fell in love and already couldn't imagine life separately. But there is one complication. He is US army soldier and he has to return back to his duty. His father has a slight form of autism, which was discovered by this girl. His mother is not in a picture, and we don't know what happened with her. She is coming from rich family. She is just a perfect girl, she doesn't drink, doesn't smoke, and she is doing charity. So, after 2 weeks he left. All the time he is being trans-located around different countries somewhere in Africa, Europe and others. And all this time they send each other letter. Letters, that are describing all their life, their dreams, their beliefs and of course all these letters all full of love to each, that they are cherishing all the time. Both of them are still living in memories of those 2 weeks. After 1 year of serving duty to his country terroristic act in New York happened and all colleagues of John decide to extend their service to continue their duty for the country. Chief officer is giving them 36 hours to think about their decision and if they decided to follow it they should report on Monday. That's how John is going back home to Savanaha. Of course he meets his dad their. He is as usually more interested in his coins collection than in anything else and it is hard to communicate with him. John and Savanaha go to her parents party and there he is telling her that he has to stay 2 more years in army. Because he has duty and he has responsibilities towards his colleagues. He just can not leave them. For her it is really hard to accept it, but there is nothing what can be done. Another figure in the movie is Savanah's neighbor. His son also has autism and his mother left him.
So, John left. And for another year they exchange letters with Savanaha. And at some point of time letters stop coming. For 2 months. And then he receives a letter from her, where she wrote that she got engaged and in some time she is going to get married. It was a big shock for John and the only treatment that he knows is to extend his staying in army. That's the thing he knows the best in his life. And he stayed. He was again dislocated all around the world and during one of the operations he got shot. Thank's God he didn't die, but it took him 3 months to recover. No matter what he decided to continue. After 5 years he received a message from home that his father is in the hospital. He had a stroke. John is rushing back home where he finds his father dying. He spend last moments of dad's life next to him. And no matter how their relationship were during past few years you can see how much John loves his dad.
And he went to visit Savanaha. She is already married. Savanaha got married to her neighbor. The one that had son with autism. He has late stage of cancer and now he is in the hospital.
Later, when John and Savanaha had a talk, why it all happened like that, she told him: I had to help Tim, he had cancer, it was my duty".
And I think it was a key thing about this movie. Both of them had their duties in life. John had duty to his country and to his colleagues. Savanaha had a duty to help Tim and his son.And no matter what they were following it. No matter how strong was desire to stay with each other. Forget about everything, forget about war, forget about ill people and people in need, forget about everything that might distract them from each other. But they were strong in their believes. They were following their path and eventually they successed. Savanaha stayed with Tim until his last days and took care of his son. John completed all his missions for US army and when he returned home, they incidentally meet in one cafe.
So, it means that if each of us will follow their path and do what he/she is supposed to do in this life we will eventually find our happiness and we will be rewarded? But how to know what is exactly our duty? What exactly we are meant to do?
So, John left. And for another year they exchange letters with Savanaha. And at some point of time letters stop coming. For 2 months. And then he receives a letter from her, where she wrote that she got engaged and in some time she is going to get married. It was a big shock for John and the only treatment that he knows is to extend his staying in army. That's the thing he knows the best in his life. And he stayed. He was again dislocated all around the world and during one of the operations he got shot. Thank's God he didn't die, but it took him 3 months to recover. No matter what he decided to continue. After 5 years he received a message from home that his father is in the hospital. He had a stroke. John is rushing back home where he finds his father dying. He spend last moments of dad's life next to him. And no matter how their relationship were during past few years you can see how much John loves his dad.
And he went to visit Savanaha. She is already married. Savanaha got married to her neighbor. The one that had son with autism. He has late stage of cancer and now he is in the hospital.
Later, when John and Savanaha had a talk, why it all happened like that, she told him: I had to help Tim, he had cancer, it was my duty".
And I think it was a key thing about this movie. Both of them had their duties in life. John had duty to his country and to his colleagues. Savanaha had a duty to help Tim and his son.And no matter what they were following it. No matter how strong was desire to stay with each other. Forget about everything, forget about war, forget about ill people and people in need, forget about everything that might distract them from each other. But they were strong in their believes. They were following their path and eventually they successed. Savanaha stayed with Tim until his last days and took care of his son. John completed all his missions for US army and when he returned home, they incidentally meet in one cafe.
So, it means that if each of us will follow their path and do what he/she is supposed to do in this life we will eventually find our happiness and we will be rewarded? But how to know what is exactly our duty? What exactly we are meant to do?
среда, 10 ноября 2010 г.
Вот у меня вопрос. А сколько раз в день ну или там в другой удобный для вас промежуток времени вы задумываетесь над тем, что вы делаете. При чем задумываетесь над этим вопрос в плане того, что данная задача/место/цель приносит для личностного развития, полноценности, счастья?
Как часто вы получаете ответ на этот вопрос: Много. Ну или хотя бы достаточно?
Или вот у меня другой вопрос. А как вы знаете, что занимаетесь любимым делом? Какие у вас критерии его оценки? Как вы знаете, что живете в стране, которая вам подходит или вы знаете, что вот именно эта работа подходит именно вам?
Может это я слишком много думаю, но мне почему то кажеться, что главным показателем должно быть ощущения счастья. И не важно какое именно проявление оно имеет для конкретного человека. Ну может быть для кого-то счастье это тот факт, что он/она может купить давно желанные вещи, ну или например поехать в какую-то далекую страну. Но я уверена, что есть и такие люди, для которых показатель счастья это чувство самореализации. И это опять таки зависит от того на какой из ступеней развития мы сейчас находимся.
Вы часто находите счастье в маленьких вещах? Ну например в красивом голубом небе над головой, или в улыбке любимого человека или в вкусном обеде?
Как часто вы чувствуете себя счастливым?
Как часто вы получаете ответ на этот вопрос: Много. Ну или хотя бы достаточно?
Или вот у меня другой вопрос. А как вы знаете, что занимаетесь любимым делом? Какие у вас критерии его оценки? Как вы знаете, что живете в стране, которая вам подходит или вы знаете, что вот именно эта работа подходит именно вам?
Может это я слишком много думаю, но мне почему то кажеться, что главным показателем должно быть ощущения счастья. И не важно какое именно проявление оно имеет для конкретного человека. Ну может быть для кого-то счастье это тот факт, что он/она может купить давно желанные вещи, ну или например поехать в какую-то далекую страну. Но я уверена, что есть и такие люди, для которых показатель счастья это чувство самореализации. И это опять таки зависит от того на какой из ступеней развития мы сейчас находимся.
Вы часто находите счастье в маленьких вещах? Ну например в красивом голубом небе над головой, или в улыбке любимого человека или в вкусном обеде?
Как часто вы чувствуете себя счастливым?
воскресенье, 17 октября 2010 г.
Happy Birthday to me...
So, my Birthday is coming in 2 weeks and I thought that I had a great plan how to celebrate it: First go to spa salon with friend of mine for several hours, have some massage, manicure and all stuff that girls like. Then I will go for a dinner with my boyfriend and have a romantic evening with him. I thought it is perfect. Until yesterday... When I spoke with my mum and she was asking me on phone what present do I want to get for my birthday (Consider that she is in Ukraine and I'm in US). I told her that I just want to get a birthday card from her and I want to get a call with birthday wishes. That's all. Of course mum insisted that she will send me some money, so that I can give some treat for myself. And then she asked: "So, how are you going to celebrate it this year?" I told her about my great plan. And then she is like: "That's how you really want to celebrate it?I thought that you like to throw great parties and have a lot of fun!" And since that talk I'm thinking about it. She is right. I really like Birthdays. Doesn't matter whether it is mine or someone else. I just like whole spirit of Birthday celebration. I think it is very nice when you have all your friends, family around you at that day and you actually celebrate someone birth. For me it is even kind of magical to some extend. When I was back home every year it was a big party. People were even waiting for it! Oh, October is getting to the end, soon Mikhed and Slavik will have their birthday party! People were coming for it from all over Ukraine and not only..... I miss those days.....
Even last year, when I just came to US I managed to have a party for 24 people at my place, even though I hardly knew anyone in this country.
So, what happened with me this year? Am I changing? Or getting older and becoming a boring personality? No, I will not let it happen with me! And I will keep on doing what I like, no matter what! Soooo, people, get ready for a good party this year! I will celebrate my Birthday the way I'm used to!
Even last year, when I just came to US I managed to have a party for 24 people at my place, even though I hardly knew anyone in this country.
So, what happened with me this year? Am I changing? Or getting older and becoming a boring personality? No, I will not let it happen with me! And I will keep on doing what I like, no matter what! Soooo, people, get ready for a good party this year! I will celebrate my Birthday the way I'm used to!
вторник, 12 октября 2010 г.
Fall depression
Probably it came to me as well. I don't know why. Everything seems to be fine, but when evening comes I actually start feeling sad.
Sometimes it comes ad goes. For example when I see pictures from India. Seriously, its like feeling that something essential is missing, like you know that there is that nirvana, that you are looking for and you can not reach it. I remember myself when I came from India. I could feel peace with myself. Maybe I was worried about some things that were happening at that time in my family, but I particularly can recall that state of mind, which I'm searching as a bliss now - PEACE. I had a peace with my dreams, with vision of myself, peace with life balance. Now I don't have it and its frustrating.
Every time when I think how much more I need to study I just freak out. Especially now, when I think about applying for PhD program. If I speak with someone around 30, which most of my friends here are (:)) they all recommend to do it, because most probably I will never come back to it. When I speak with friends of my age, they all recommend to go with Master's and get some decent job for gaining practical experience and gradually moving along career ladder. I think that both of this points have a positive benefit for me. As Jason said: At least PhD doesn't close any doors for you, but most probably open some. And I think that he has a point.
On the other hand I'm not sure whether I want to do science for the rest of my life. Because it seems that I will continue doing same thing that I'm doing right now just for bigger amount of money.
Working in pharmaceutical business seems to be at least more intense in terms of activities, meeting new people, being exposed to the world. I don't know, maybe my view is wrong, but at least that's how I see it.
Till the end of November I need to make my mind. Last-last time point is middle of December.
And I really-really miss Ukraine, my people, my friends, my family.....
Sometimes this feeling is so intense that I can feel physical pain.......
Sometimes I walk home from the lab and I can feel smell of Lviv. I know that I'm becoming psycho, but I don't care. And I know that I will not be able to go home until next May for sure.
So the only thing I can hope about is that some of my over-see friends will finally come to visit me!
But no matter what I'm still optimistic, because I know the reason why I came here and I will fulfill my goal, no matter how hard it is....
Sometimes it comes ad goes. For example when I see pictures from India. Seriously, its like feeling that something essential is missing, like you know that there is that nirvana, that you are looking for and you can not reach it. I remember myself when I came from India. I could feel peace with myself. Maybe I was worried about some things that were happening at that time in my family, but I particularly can recall that state of mind, which I'm searching as a bliss now - PEACE. I had a peace with my dreams, with vision of myself, peace with life balance. Now I don't have it and its frustrating.
Every time when I think how much more I need to study I just freak out. Especially now, when I think about applying for PhD program. If I speak with someone around 30, which most of my friends here are (:)) they all recommend to do it, because most probably I will never come back to it. When I speak with friends of my age, they all recommend to go with Master's and get some decent job for gaining practical experience and gradually moving along career ladder. I think that both of this points have a positive benefit for me. As Jason said: At least PhD doesn't close any doors for you, but most probably open some. And I think that he has a point.
On the other hand I'm not sure whether I want to do science for the rest of my life. Because it seems that I will continue doing same thing that I'm doing right now just for bigger amount of money.
Working in pharmaceutical business seems to be at least more intense in terms of activities, meeting new people, being exposed to the world. I don't know, maybe my view is wrong, but at least that's how I see it.
Till the end of November I need to make my mind. Last-last time point is middle of December.
And I really-really miss Ukraine, my people, my friends, my family.....
Sometimes this feeling is so intense that I can feel physical pain.......
Sometimes I walk home from the lab and I can feel smell of Lviv. I know that I'm becoming psycho, but I don't care. And I know that I will not be able to go home until next May for sure.
So the only thing I can hope about is that some of my over-see friends will finally come to visit me!
But no matter what I'm still optimistic, because I know the reason why I came here and I will fulfill my goal, no matter how hard it is....
пятница, 20 августа 2010 г.
Jazz night
So, after living 1 year in Chicago I finally got a chance to go to jazz club. I know, I know what you would say, but I have plenty of excuses :)) No time, too much studying, no people to go with, so on and so force, if you REALLY want I can go on and on :)) So, this time things were different. This time I had plenty of free time, I had right people around me and we finally did it :)
So, we went to celebrate birthday of one of my new roommates. We chose Andy's Jazz, because of good comments on-line and particularly cause it is more like a bar/restaurant type, which has stage for performances and it is also quick old. It functions as a jazz club I think from 1950's or something like that.
I should also mention that personal in this place is really great, they were nice, hospitable and generally good. So, when we came that band was already performing, so we had to grasp the tune quite quickly :)) To say my impression in 3 words? It was great! I loved people. Band consisted of 3 people and they had such a synergy between each other! They were following variations started by other person in a second. After some time listening to them I felt like I'm back home, in Lviv, during Jazz festival that we have every year in Autumn. My mum and I really like to go there.
Music was surrounding us whole evening, whenever band was taking some time to relax, they were substituted by nice music selection made by hostess in that place.
Also, I should say that we had one of the best cocktails I tried so far :)
So, if you will ever have a chance to visit Chicago, you should go to Andy's Jazz and you will not be disappointed!
So, we went to celebrate birthday of one of my new roommates. We chose Andy's Jazz, because of good comments on-line and particularly cause it is more like a bar/restaurant type, which has stage for performances and it is also quick old. It functions as a jazz club I think from 1950's or something like that.
I should also mention that personal in this place is really great, they were nice, hospitable and generally good. So, when we came that band was already performing, so we had to grasp the tune quite quickly :)) To say my impression in 3 words? It was great! I loved people. Band consisted of 3 people and they had such a synergy between each other! They were following variations started by other person in a second. After some time listening to them I felt like I'm back home, in Lviv, during Jazz festival that we have every year in Autumn. My mum and I really like to go there.
Music was surrounding us whole evening, whenever band was taking some time to relax, they were substituted by nice music selection made by hostess in that place.
Also, I should say that we had one of the best cocktails I tried so far :)
So, if you will ever have a chance to visit Chicago, you should go to Andy's Jazz and you will not be disappointed!
среда, 18 августа 2010 г.
So, here I am, done with 1st year of studying for Master's program in Medicinal Chemistry at UIC, Chicago, Illinois, USA. I'm still on probation level and still have to work my ass off to get out of it just because now I have permanent lab to work in.
In as week I will start new semester, new educational year. From one side I'm happy, because something new will happen with me, from another side I'm kind of scared that things will go wrong as they have tendency to do. But I have hope and it is the best motivational factor that I have so far.
My new roommates came and they are simply amazing, of course somehow special, but in their own manner. Every evening we have looooooong talks about everything in this world and it seems to be great to share sometimes similar, sometimes different opinions. It is already good, just because we have what to talk about, not like before, when awkward silence was our typical guest.
I'm still working in the lab, trying to pull all shit together and make my projects work and as I sad before some things just like to work in manner that is completely different to my plans.
I have a lot of thoughts whether I want to continue my education or I want to apply for jobs. Seems like I need some changes, I need some movement, so who knows, maybe I should start up-dating my CV ? :))
I started to feel more peaceful with myself. Maybe because I finally cut people that were like vampires in my life and now no one is sucking my energy. In general I feel more happy this days :) And I start to get used with US life. So, it is cool, right ? :)
This is probably all up-dates that I have so far :))
In as week I will start new semester, new educational year. From one side I'm happy, because something new will happen with me, from another side I'm kind of scared that things will go wrong as they have tendency to do. But I have hope and it is the best motivational factor that I have so far.
My new roommates came and they are simply amazing, of course somehow special, but in their own manner. Every evening we have looooooong talks about everything in this world and it seems to be great to share sometimes similar, sometimes different opinions. It is already good, just because we have what to talk about, not like before, when awkward silence was our typical guest.
I'm still working in the lab, trying to pull all shit together and make my projects work and as I sad before some things just like to work in manner that is completely different to my plans.
I have a lot of thoughts whether I want to continue my education or I want to apply for jobs. Seems like I need some changes, I need some movement, so who knows, maybe I should start up-dating my CV ? :))
I started to feel more peaceful with myself. Maybe because I finally cut people that were like vampires in my life and now no one is sucking my energy. In general I feel more happy this days :) And I start to get used with US life. So, it is cool, right ? :)
This is probably all up-dates that I have so far :))
пятница, 23 июля 2010 г.
Передруковою на прохання цієї дівчини! Буду дуже сподіватись, що це може їй хоч якось допомогти!
Jul. 7th, 2020 at 9:30 AM
8 квітня 2009 року на мого тата Романчука Володимира був вчинений збройний напад людиною Гнатенком В.Г.(також групою осіб, яку він замовив для цього), якій тато допомагав взяти кредит в банку, позичав йому гроші з власних банківських карток, після чого він з трьома зламаними ребрами, численними гематомами, а також черепно-мозковою травмою від ударів молотка майже не міг ходити перші 2-3 тижні, перебував удома декілька місяців, притому що він один у нашій сім'ї працює. Передати страшні тортури, яким він підлягав, неможливо. Його били молотком по голові, били руками і ногами...Тобто, щоби не віддавати заборговані гроші, які тато вірно чекав і не наполягав, той покидьок вирішив здерти ці ж гроші з самого тата нелюдським болем. (Як пізніше було з'ясовано, він багатьом людям не віддав позичені кошти)
Я не хочу описувати усього, що було упродовж останнього року, адже це можна прочитати в одній із останніх татових заяв, яку я викладу нижче. Передати той страх, жах, який переслідував мене і мою сім'ю упродовж перших декількох місяців після того неможливо. В перші тижні нам дзвонили і говорили, що вб'ють нас, погрожували, що зроблять щось зі мною. В наступні 24 години після нападу нам наказали зібрали 50 тис. гривень, бо якщо ми цього не зробимо, - нас закопають. До вечора ми не змогли зібрати повну суму. За грішми прийшла "ліва" людина, притому наш знайомий, але ми гроші не віддали. Нас не закопали, настав ранок. Через 2 дні тато звернувся до правоохоронніх органів. Містечко маленьке, тато має власне підприємство - СТО, а тому всі добре його знають і спілкуються з ним, точніше спілкувалися до того моменту, доки ми не попросили допомоги. Проте коли була написана заява, приїхав обласний УБОЗ, щоби ніби запроторити того покидька, який замовив групу, що скоїла напад, все стало затихати...Начальник міліції сказав, що все буде гаразд. Але не сталося чуда, бо тут один одному кум-сват-брат. Також потрібно врахувати те, що той покидьок і дня не відсидів, бо його до сих пір не визнали винним у даній справі, і що правоохоронним органам ми надали інформацію, де приблизно можна знайти " групу невідомих осіб", які калічили тата. Він пустий, але чомусь має друзів, які заплатили за його недоторканість.
Тепер у нас великий список тих інстанцій, куди ми подавали заяви: починаючи з районної, обласної, генеральної прокуратур і закінчуючи Карпачовою, Ющенком та Януковичем. Також ми дзвонили на телеканали, але безуспішно. Справа багато разів передавалася із Новоград-Волинських інстанцій до Житомирських, одного разу вона також "ніби загубилася". Час від часу ми все одно продовжуємо писати, і отримуємо коротку одну й ту ж саму відповідь: " Досудове слідство триває, про результат ми вас повідомимо, особи, які некоректно ведуть слідство чи навмисно затягують, будуть покарані."
Наразі у нас заборгованість банку в 45 тис. (ті гроші, які по своїй доброті тато позичав тому уроду), зламана психіка і цілковите відчуття того, що виходу немає. Час від часу нападає страх, бо лишень, може, півроку тому ВОНИ припинили дзвонити і погрожувати. Урод спокійно собі весь цей рік ходить, їздить і посміхається нам в обличчя, адже у нього все добре, і за вільне весело обличчя заплатили друзі!
У нас було багато знайомих на той час, впливових знайомих, які могли би допомогти, проте, коли ми попросили посприяти у справі, - вони зробили вигляд, що дуже зайняті і не розуміють, що ж від них хочуть. Отак відсіялися усі, хто називався навіть "гарним знайомим". Звісно, зараз деякі повернулися і спілкуються з нами, але не зачіпаючи наболілої теми.
Я хочу, щоби моя сім'я жила в спокої, щоби нарешті головною була справедливість, щоби я знала, що той, хто покалічив фізично і морально мого тата, мене, мою сестричку і мою маму морально - відповів за скоєне.
Я прошу усіх, хто це прочитає, якщо ви або ваші знайомі мають можливість висвітлити цю історію у себе на персональних сторінках, в пресі чи по телебаченню, допоможіть. Повірте, неможливо отак жити, час від часу це спливає в думках, у снах, бо сидить у підсвідомості і розчаровуєшся у всьому і у всіх. Я не знаю іншого виходу, його немає. Мене виховали так, що Добро перемагає, що є справедливість, тому прошу, якщо можете і не боїтеся, посприяйте.
8.04.2009 в смт Ємільчине на території п/п Гнатенка В.Г. на мене був скоєний розбійний напад моїм фінансовим боржником, тим же Гнатенко, та групою озброєних осіб чисельністю приблизно 10 чоловік, яких він найняв для розправи наді мною, аби не віддавати мені борг. В результаті фізичних тортур я отримав черепно-мозкову травму, струс мозку, зламані ребра. При цьому насиллі ще й було відібрано гроші у сумі 500 $ та мопед. Про понівечення мого морального стану та моєї сім’ї годі й казати. З того страшного дня я маю скалічене тіло, величезний банківський борг( оскільки запозичені гроші для Гнатенка були з кредитних банківських карток на моє, дружини і доньчине ім’я). Як громадянин цієї країни - розраховував на захист та чесне розслідування з боку правоохоронних органів. Більше року ця кримінальна справа з абсолютно очевидними доказами вини Гнатенка В.Г. поступово перетворилася на химерну, коли Гнатенко - свідок! Але ж з першої хвилини після подання мною заяви щодо нападу на мене, правоохоронцями Ємільчинського райвідділу були прийняті міри для затримання Гнатенка та й через декілька годин прибули до Ємільчиного працівники обласного УБОЗ, адже був очевидним факт розбійного нападу. Далі ж події на місці гальмувались і нарешті після звернення до прокуратури кримінальну справу відкрили, але за статтями, які не відображають склад злочину. На мої численні звернення щодо перекваліфікації статтей, ніяких обґрунтованих відповідей ані від прокуратури, ані міліції не було.
Більше року слідство формальне і неефективне в пошуку озброєних бандитів та пред’явлення обвинувачення Гнатенко В.Г., хоч з мого боку та моїх свідків була надана вичерпна інформація щодо цих людей. Стосовно саме Гнатенка, як мого боржника і замовника розбою на мене, аферизм якого щодо багатьох жителів нашого селища, як на "диво" залишається безкарним з боку закону, не дивлячись за заяви багатьох проти нього до суду та прокуратури. На мої письмові заяви щодо Гнатенка, як замовника і учасника бандитського нападу на мене, ніяких дієвих реакцій з боку правоохоронців.
Jul. 7th, 2020 at 9:30 AM
8 квітня 2009 року на мого тата Романчука Володимира був вчинений збройний напад людиною Гнатенком В.Г.(також групою осіб, яку він замовив для цього), якій тато допомагав взяти кредит в банку, позичав йому гроші з власних банківських карток, після чого він з трьома зламаними ребрами, численними гематомами, а також черепно-мозковою травмою від ударів молотка майже не міг ходити перші 2-3 тижні, перебував удома декілька місяців, притому що він один у нашій сім'ї працює. Передати страшні тортури, яким він підлягав, неможливо. Його били молотком по голові, били руками і ногами...Тобто, щоби не віддавати заборговані гроші, які тато вірно чекав і не наполягав, той покидьок вирішив здерти ці ж гроші з самого тата нелюдським болем. (Як пізніше було з'ясовано, він багатьом людям не віддав позичені кошти)
Я не хочу описувати усього, що було упродовж останнього року, адже це можна прочитати в одній із останніх татових заяв, яку я викладу нижче. Передати той страх, жах, який переслідував мене і мою сім'ю упродовж перших декількох місяців після того неможливо. В перші тижні нам дзвонили і говорили, що вб'ють нас, погрожували, що зроблять щось зі мною. В наступні 24 години після нападу нам наказали зібрали 50 тис. гривень, бо якщо ми цього не зробимо, - нас закопають. До вечора ми не змогли зібрати повну суму. За грішми прийшла "ліва" людина, притому наш знайомий, але ми гроші не віддали. Нас не закопали, настав ранок. Через 2 дні тато звернувся до правоохоронніх органів. Містечко маленьке, тато має власне підприємство - СТО, а тому всі добре його знають і спілкуються з ним, точніше спілкувалися до того моменту, доки ми не попросили допомоги. Проте коли була написана заява, приїхав обласний УБОЗ, щоби ніби запроторити того покидька, який замовив групу, що скоїла напад, все стало затихати...Начальник міліції сказав, що все буде гаразд. Але не сталося чуда, бо тут один одному кум-сват-брат. Також потрібно врахувати те, що той покидьок і дня не відсидів, бо його до сих пір не визнали винним у даній справі, і що правоохоронним органам ми надали інформацію, де приблизно можна знайти " групу невідомих осіб", які калічили тата. Він пустий, але чомусь має друзів, які заплатили за його недоторканість.
Тепер у нас великий список тих інстанцій, куди ми подавали заяви: починаючи з районної, обласної, генеральної прокуратур і закінчуючи Карпачовою, Ющенком та Януковичем. Також ми дзвонили на телеканали, але безуспішно. Справа багато разів передавалася із Новоград-Волинських інстанцій до Житомирських, одного разу вона також "ніби загубилася". Час від часу ми все одно продовжуємо писати, і отримуємо коротку одну й ту ж саму відповідь: " Досудове слідство триває, про результат ми вас повідомимо, особи, які некоректно ведуть слідство чи навмисно затягують, будуть покарані."
Наразі у нас заборгованість банку в 45 тис. (ті гроші, які по своїй доброті тато позичав тому уроду), зламана психіка і цілковите відчуття того, що виходу немає. Час від часу нападає страх, бо лишень, може, півроку тому ВОНИ припинили дзвонити і погрожувати. Урод спокійно собі весь цей рік ходить, їздить і посміхається нам в обличчя, адже у нього все добре, і за вільне весело обличчя заплатили друзі!
У нас було багато знайомих на той час, впливових знайомих, які могли би допомогти, проте, коли ми попросили посприяти у справі, - вони зробили вигляд, що дуже зайняті і не розуміють, що ж від них хочуть. Отак відсіялися усі, хто називався навіть "гарним знайомим". Звісно, зараз деякі повернулися і спілкуються з нами, але не зачіпаючи наболілої теми.
Я хочу, щоби моя сім'я жила в спокої, щоби нарешті головною була справедливість, щоби я знала, що той, хто покалічив фізично і морально мого тата, мене, мою сестричку і мою маму морально - відповів за скоєне.
Я прошу усіх, хто це прочитає, якщо ви або ваші знайомі мають можливість висвітлити цю історію у себе на персональних сторінках, в пресі чи по телебаченню, допоможіть. Повірте, неможливо отак жити, час від часу це спливає в думках, у снах, бо сидить у підсвідомості і розчаровуєшся у всьому і у всіх. Я не знаю іншого виходу, його немає. Мене виховали так, що Добро перемагає, що є справедливість, тому прошу, якщо можете і не боїтеся, посприяйте.
8.04.2009 в смт Ємільчине на території п/п Гнатенка В.Г. на мене був скоєний розбійний напад моїм фінансовим боржником, тим же Гнатенко, та групою озброєних осіб чисельністю приблизно 10 чоловік, яких він найняв для розправи наді мною, аби не віддавати мені борг. В результаті фізичних тортур я отримав черепно-мозкову травму, струс мозку, зламані ребра. При цьому насиллі ще й було відібрано гроші у сумі 500 $ та мопед. Про понівечення мого морального стану та моєї сім’ї годі й казати. З того страшного дня я маю скалічене тіло, величезний банківський борг( оскільки запозичені гроші для Гнатенка були з кредитних банківських карток на моє, дружини і доньчине ім’я). Як громадянин цієї країни - розраховував на захист та чесне розслідування з боку правоохоронних органів. Більше року ця кримінальна справа з абсолютно очевидними доказами вини Гнатенка В.Г. поступово перетворилася на химерну, коли Гнатенко - свідок! Але ж з першої хвилини після подання мною заяви щодо нападу на мене, правоохоронцями Ємільчинського райвідділу були прийняті міри для затримання Гнатенка та й через декілька годин прибули до Ємільчиного працівники обласного УБОЗ, адже був очевидним факт розбійного нападу. Далі ж події на місці гальмувались і нарешті після звернення до прокуратури кримінальну справу відкрили, але за статтями, які не відображають склад злочину. На мої численні звернення щодо перекваліфікації статтей, ніяких обґрунтованих відповідей ані від прокуратури, ані міліції не було.
Більше року слідство формальне і неефективне в пошуку озброєних бандитів та пред’явлення обвинувачення Гнатенко В.Г., хоч з мого боку та моїх свідків була надана вичерпна інформація щодо цих людей. Стосовно саме Гнатенка, як мого боржника і замовника розбою на мене, аферизм якого щодо багатьох жителів нашого селища, як на "диво" залишається безкарним з боку закону, не дивлячись за заяви багатьох проти нього до суду та прокуратури. На мої письмові заяви щодо Гнатенка, як замовника і учасника бандитського нападу на мене, ніяких дієвих реакцій з боку правоохоронців.
вторник, 20 июля 2010 г.
I'm all the time surrounded with people. In the lab, at home, in CTA, basically everywhere. And everywhere there are some norms or standards of behavior that we need to obey. In the lab, one need to work persistently, otherwise your PI will not be satisfied with your work and it might effect your nearest future. At home you need to be polite, not to cause any dramatical changes in roommates behavior, which can also cause you just additional headache, which you don't want to experience at all and I'm not even speaking about public transport, where you are supposed to speak not so loud, not to bother other people and so on.
But there is special group of people in my life, with whom you do not need to follow any rules or standards, because they love you for the person that you are, but not for the position, politeness and so on. When I recall all the gatherings for beer in all my beloved places in Lviv, I start to smile and not only with my face, but from the bottom of my heart. These people thow some ice in my heart that started to collect after this year. And every time when I remember them I can feel that warmth of relationship that our group had towards each other. And it once again makes me smile.
And at the same time it makes me sad, because all of you, my closest friends are so far away. All of you right now, are not even in one country, which might make it a bit easier to meet. And I don't even know when it will be possible to unite again and refresh all those memories that we have. But no matter what I'm very thankful to this life that I have you all! At least in my memories and in my heart.
But there is special group of people in my life, with whom you do not need to follow any rules or standards, because they love you for the person that you are, but not for the position, politeness and so on. When I recall all the gatherings for beer in all my beloved places in Lviv, I start to smile and not only with my face, but from the bottom of my heart. These people thow some ice in my heart that started to collect after this year. And every time when I remember them I can feel that warmth of relationship that our group had towards each other. And it once again makes me smile.
And at the same time it makes me sad, because all of you, my closest friends are so far away. All of you right now, are not even in one country, which might make it a bit easier to meet. And I don't even know when it will be possible to unite again and refresh all those memories that we have. But no matter what I'm very thankful to this life that I have you all! At least in my memories and in my heart.

воскресенье, 30 мая 2010 г.
My roommate's mother came to visit her for approximately 2.5 months. They haven't seen each other for 9 months before that. You know, when she just arrived I couldn't see those exciting feeling between them. Nothing like watching on each other with those sparkles in the eyes. SO, I was confused. How is it possible that you haven't seen your mum for so long and you don't have exploding emotions or at least something more than average written on your face. And then time was passing. Talisa had lot's of studying and not always enough time for her mum, but still every evening they were having dinner together or at least something like that and I could see more and more that they have all this tremendous feelings, its just that they don't show them that much.
I will lie and tell that I was always happy with her mum presence in our apartment. I had different thoughts about all of it. I was disturbed many times, but now it doesn't matter, because she is leaving on Monday, which day after tomorrow. Maybe I will never see her again or maybe we will see each other somewhere in Iran, who knows :)
But today in the morning I had very touching conversation with her. Also, you should consider that she hardly speaks English. So, first of all, she was extremely happy to see me in the morning, that's why she hugged me very tightly and said some mice words. And then she started to cry. Because she is leaving in 2 days and her poor Talisa is alone here. No one from the family is here and something like that. I tried to calm her down, but we both know that it is impossible, when she is in such a mood. Then I was talking with Talisa in her room and her mum was several times coming to the room, but she had tears in her eyes, so she was all the time going away to wipe them and only after that come back. Eventually she managed to control her feelings and she came to the room and they were talking something in Farsi to each other and I could see it in their eyes. I could that SOMETHING that I didn't see when she came. And at that moment I realized that no matter how I was disturb or irritated I will never allow myself to disturb that meeting of daughter and mother, that tremendous meeting.
I will lie and tell that I was always happy with her mum presence in our apartment. I had different thoughts about all of it. I was disturbed many times, but now it doesn't matter, because she is leaving on Monday, which day after tomorrow. Maybe I will never see her again or maybe we will see each other somewhere in Iran, who knows :)
But today in the morning I had very touching conversation with her. Also, you should consider that she hardly speaks English. So, first of all, she was extremely happy to see me in the morning, that's why she hugged me very tightly and said some mice words. And then she started to cry. Because she is leaving in 2 days and her poor Talisa is alone here. No one from the family is here and something like that. I tried to calm her down, but we both know that it is impossible, when she is in such a mood. Then I was talking with Talisa in her room and her mum was several times coming to the room, but she had tears in her eyes, so she was all the time going away to wipe them and only after that come back. Eventually she managed to control her feelings and she came to the room and they were talking something in Farsi to each other and I could see it in their eyes. I could that SOMETHING that I didn't see when she came. And at that moment I realized that no matter how I was disturb or irritated I will never allow myself to disturb that meeting of daughter and mother, that tremendous meeting.
суббота, 29 мая 2010 г.
Its is up to you!
When you hear such phrase in AIESEC you get motivated, when you hear such phrase in US you get depressed. Difference is that when someone is telling it to you in AIESEC they most of the time mean that they will not interrupt your business and you have completely free environment for your imagination, but when you are told this phrase in US, it means that no one is willing to help you. I'm not saying that no one at all, but most of them. Most of the time they just don't want to spend some extra time and efforts on you. And worse situation is when you don't know exactly what you need to do, which people to contact and so on and so force. It can be an endless story.
I heard it to many times here... Too many times I was in shit. But maybe that's just life? I don't know.
One very typical example is life in University and communication between students. In my University in Ukraine if someone knew some news about the course, grades, extra studying sessions or something like that, news were spread in seconds. Here completely opposite, if you will not get direct e-mail from the professor, your colleagues will never share any information with you. Why? You should search for it by yourself. It is very individualistic society. The same during the lab work. They will give you some major hints about the work and that's it. Everything else you need to find my yourself. Dig in thousands of papers, materials and manuals and you need to come up with your own bright idea, otherwise you will not succeed first of all and second of all they might say that you steel someones idea, which can be a criminal case.
So, as you can see, it is hard :(
But no matter what I have to struggle :))
I heard it to many times here... Too many times I was in shit. But maybe that's just life? I don't know.
One very typical example is life in University and communication between students. In my University in Ukraine if someone knew some news about the course, grades, extra studying sessions or something like that, news were spread in seconds. Here completely opposite, if you will not get direct e-mail from the professor, your colleagues will never share any information with you. Why? You should search for it by yourself. It is very individualistic society. The same during the lab work. They will give you some major hints about the work and that's it. Everything else you need to find my yourself. Dig in thousands of papers, materials and manuals and you need to come up with your own bright idea, otherwise you will not succeed first of all and second of all they might say that you steel someones idea, which can be a criminal case.
So, as you can see, it is hard :(
But no matter what I have to struggle :))
вторник, 25 мая 2010 г.
Emotional coma. How is it? It is like you have a ball in your chest and you can't breath at all. You stop breathing for a while and then very smart though comes: "What if I will stop breathing at all? Just for fun, see how it works. And then you realize that you actually need to take one inhale after another and then you actually need to breath it out. Without stopping. After that you actually start thinking that if I will breath deep enough I will eventually come down. No way! It doesn't go away, no matter how hard you try. It just sits there. It is something like endless emptiness that is located in your lungs and spreads through whole your body.
Then you stop having any thoughts at all. Nothing. Empty head..............
And then one after another they come. I don't want to go back. I don't want everything to finish like that. BUT I DID!!!!!!! Fucking shit, I did!!!! I struggled, I fought for it! I did my best, but I didn't know the right way. I just didn't know how to do it exactly, but I tried!!!!!Isn't something that should be valued?
I don't know. I'm lost..... What should I do.......I don't have any idea what to do. At all... I'm in coma...
Then you stop having any thoughts at all. Nothing. Empty head..............
And then one after another they come. I don't want to go back. I don't want everything to finish like that. BUT I DID!!!!!!! Fucking shit, I did!!!! I struggled, I fought for it! I did my best, but I didn't know the right way. I just didn't know how to do it exactly, but I tried!!!!!Isn't something that should be valued?
I don't know. I'm lost..... What should I do.......I don't have any idea what to do. At all... I'm in coma...
пятница, 21 мая 2010 г.
Finally semester is over no more studying like hell, living in the library and completely no free time. Finally no more organic chemistry that is due to Monday and it means that whole Sunday is spend for memorizing new reactions that I will probably never use again, no more lectures at 8 am, when I'm halfway asleep and really trying to wake myself up with another sip of coffee. No more....
As well, no more crazy workload and complete absence of what to do in the evening. I felt really lonely last week, because I didn't know where to spend all my so called free time. This week it is better, I try to keep myself as busy as possible and also I try to get used to new lifestyle, when I just need to enjoy this way.
Last to last evening I went out to have dinner with friends, last night I've seen movie, see, I try my best :) BTW, if you plan to see Robin Hood, don't do it. Doesn't worth your money :) At least money spend for a ticket were not mine :)
So guys, if you have any ideas what else I can do in my free time I would be really thankful :)
Also, when I have too much free time I start to think too much :) Which is not my best habit :) I don't know why but I realized that I do not belong to this place. You know, it is some kind of tricky feeling when you walk through streets and I think that it is happening not with me, it is probably someone else. This feeling I had at the beginning of my staying in US. When I was coming to all this classes and labs I couldn't believe that it is me, Yuliya Mikhed, who is sitting here in the class, writing all this papers and taking notes, it is me, who has this great apartment in walking distance to UIC and so on and so force, I couldn't believe this at all. Later on, I realized that if I will be passive observer I might get into trouble, so I tried to be as attached as possible with that state of my mind. I think that introduction to this new environment finished after me coming back from Winter brake in Ukraine, when I actually started to miss a bit my life in US.
Right now I completely understand my role in all processes that I'm involved in, but still so many times I don't feel personal belonging to this place. I somehow don't feel emotional attachment, I don't know, maybe I need more time, maybe I need more friends or a boyfriend, to feel complete attachment? I don't know, this is still an open question.
What I know for sure is that this Summer I'm staying here and most probably up to New Year. Than I don't know, if I fell extreme homesickness, I will say big fuck off to all stuff here and I will go HOME at least for a month, if not than I will come HOME next Summer.
As well, no more crazy workload and complete absence of what to do in the evening. I felt really lonely last week, because I didn't know where to spend all my so called free time. This week it is better, I try to keep myself as busy as possible and also I try to get used to new lifestyle, when I just need to enjoy this way.
Last to last evening I went out to have dinner with friends, last night I've seen movie, see, I try my best :) BTW, if you plan to see Robin Hood, don't do it. Doesn't worth your money :) At least money spend for a ticket were not mine :)
So guys, if you have any ideas what else I can do in my free time I would be really thankful :)
Also, when I have too much free time I start to think too much :) Which is not my best habit :) I don't know why but I realized that I do not belong to this place. You know, it is some kind of tricky feeling when you walk through streets and I think that it is happening not with me, it is probably someone else. This feeling I had at the beginning of my staying in US. When I was coming to all this classes and labs I couldn't believe that it is me, Yuliya Mikhed, who is sitting here in the class, writing all this papers and taking notes, it is me, who has this great apartment in walking distance to UIC and so on and so force, I couldn't believe this at all. Later on, I realized that if I will be passive observer I might get into trouble, so I tried to be as attached as possible with that state of my mind. I think that introduction to this new environment finished after me coming back from Winter brake in Ukraine, when I actually started to miss a bit my life in US.
Right now I completely understand my role in all processes that I'm involved in, but still so many times I don't feel personal belonging to this place. I somehow don't feel emotional attachment, I don't know, maybe I need more time, maybe I need more friends or a boyfriend, to feel complete attachment? I don't know, this is still an open question.
What I know for sure is that this Summer I'm staying here and most probably up to New Year. Than I don't know, if I fell extreme homesickness, I will say big fuck off to all stuff here and I will go HOME at least for a month, if not than I will come HOME next Summer.
вторник, 23 февраля 2010 г.
Good mood
Yeh, that's how I need to call this post, because today I do have really good mood because of nice things that happened to me during last few days.
First of all I managed to sign my documents for grant re-newal. Now I can say that at least founding I have for a next year, now I just need to get great grades for that, which can be achieved just with a persistence and dedicated work. Well, that's actually why I'm here :)
As well, today I realized that if something is meant to happen it will happen just at the right time. Last week I was trying sooooo hard to sign and manage all this papers, that you wouldn't even believe and today things just went smoothly and they way they are supposed to be. Finally I signed 2 papers that were of extreme importance by people whom you can rarely meet at their working place even at normal office hours and today I found them at 4.30 pm which is from impossible area :)
And once again I started to believe in destiny....
As well, I just again realized how it is important when someone really believes in you. When someone would like to spend time with you, because you are important (Notice: as a friend :) ) and also how it is great when there is someone who cares! With such support next to you, one can achieve everything, the most important, one can find motivation, which is missing quite often.
Before coming to US I was enough self-confident in my level of knowledge, in my skills and other professional qualities, though I was always opened for feedback and I know that there is always room for improvement, but after some time spending here I just felt that this believe in myself started to evaporate, which made me really scared about future me. And with the help of just one person I realize that I can make it coming back!
Why? Because it is me :))))
See, this is all just a good mood :)
First of all I managed to sign my documents for grant re-newal. Now I can say that at least founding I have for a next year, now I just need to get great grades for that, which can be achieved just with a persistence and dedicated work. Well, that's actually why I'm here :)
As well, today I realized that if something is meant to happen it will happen just at the right time. Last week I was trying sooooo hard to sign and manage all this papers, that you wouldn't even believe and today things just went smoothly and they way they are supposed to be. Finally I signed 2 papers that were of extreme importance by people whom you can rarely meet at their working place even at normal office hours and today I found them at 4.30 pm which is from impossible area :)
And once again I started to believe in destiny....
As well, I just again realized how it is important when someone really believes in you. When someone would like to spend time with you, because you are important (Notice: as a friend :) ) and also how it is great when there is someone who cares! With such support next to you, one can achieve everything, the most important, one can find motivation, which is missing quite often.
Before coming to US I was enough self-confident in my level of knowledge, in my skills and other professional qualities, though I was always opened for feedback and I know that there is always room for improvement, but after some time spending here I just felt that this believe in myself started to evaporate, which made me really scared about future me. And with the help of just one person I realize that I can make it coming back!
Why? Because it is me :))))
See, this is all just a good mood :)
пятница, 5 февраля 2010 г.
My key learning points while living in US
Well, I had a New Year resolution that I will write here more often then I did last half an a year at least.
Before you will read this post I just want to say that this is MY XP, these are MY situations that I learned through. Maybe, if you have been in US, or lived here some time had completely different surrounding. Everything is possible. As well, I can ask you not to make any conclusions in general about this country or about life here, just based on what I'm going to say here, but it as usually UP TO YOU :)
So, my 1st learning point is:
It is always just YOUR personal problem
You need to get all information just by yourself, no one will tell you anything extra then they are supposed to. As fore example it was in my case: my dean made a mistake and instead of 9 credits I was supposed to take 12. Well, maybe now it wouldn't matter that much, but last semester it was like a nightmare, literally :(( I though that I will die when semester will finish. I was studying these 4 months probably more than I ever studied in my Polytechnic University for 4 years. So, key learning was that it is MY problem that I didn't find out at several places about amount of credits that I was supposed to take. Maybe this example is a bit sad, so I will give another one. No one will recommend you which exactly courses to take, which lab to go for rotations or anything like that. It depends just on you, how you will manage all that. I'm not complaining, I'm just saying that it is hard and completely different to Ukrainian realities :(
2nd learning point:
Everything is possible. You just need to try
If you think that professor is not right in some situation or you think that he is judging you unfairly (which is probably the worst thing ever for the professor) you can apply for truthful (which is the most important) check and you will get the most truthful resolution ever. As well, if you want to change something (like date of the exam) you can always ask for that, and if your professor is in the right mood, he can do that. Really, he can :) This statement is applicable in all areas in life.
3rd learning point:
People in science work like shit here
My mentor in this lab come to the work at 6 am, stays till 10 pm. After that he goes to the gym, then he goes home and writes thesis paper in medical major he is simultaneously getting with his PhD in Biotechnology. He sleeps 3-4 hours max and then next day comes :) Almost all people in my new lab work like that. And I'm for real. When I asked him why he is working his ass off like that, he replied that he wants to graduate as soon as possible and continue being a doctor somewhere in the residency. Ah yes, I forgot to mention that this week he is going to Philippines to work as a volunteer there and continue his research about eye illness in that country.
4th learning point:
If you don't have SSN, State ID or Driving license you are screwed.
Literally, you can't put utilities on your name, you can't open bank account, you can't get phone in contract, you can't do anything without that! And you feel so miserable and so depending on all these stupid papers.
5th learning point:
Try not to get any illness, trauma or anything concerned with health.
You will pay like hell. My room-mate was in car accident. Thank's God she is Ok, but her boyfriend had some serious injuries. So, she showed bills that she received from the hospital. Just for calling ambulance to the place of accident they charged her 700$ and for staying 1 hour in Emergency room 17 000$, yes seventeen thousands dollars. I don't know what did they do with her there.According to her words, doctor just examined her body and made few minor prescriptions. That's it. 17 000 $ :)
These are probably main things that I learned up to now. Hope that they will guide me successfully through my staying in this country.
Before you will read this post I just want to say that this is MY XP, these are MY situations that I learned through. Maybe, if you have been in US, or lived here some time had completely different surrounding. Everything is possible. As well, I can ask you not to make any conclusions in general about this country or about life here, just based on what I'm going to say here, but it as usually UP TO YOU :)
So, my 1st learning point is:
It is always just YOUR personal problem
You need to get all information just by yourself, no one will tell you anything extra then they are supposed to. As fore example it was in my case: my dean made a mistake and instead of 9 credits I was supposed to take 12. Well, maybe now it wouldn't matter that much, but last semester it was like a nightmare, literally :(( I though that I will die when semester will finish. I was studying these 4 months probably more than I ever studied in my Polytechnic University for 4 years. So, key learning was that it is MY problem that I didn't find out at several places about amount of credits that I was supposed to take. Maybe this example is a bit sad, so I will give another one. No one will recommend you which exactly courses to take, which lab to go for rotations or anything like that. It depends just on you, how you will manage all that. I'm not complaining, I'm just saying that it is hard and completely different to Ukrainian realities :(
2nd learning point:
Everything is possible. You just need to try
If you think that professor is not right in some situation or you think that he is judging you unfairly (which is probably the worst thing ever for the professor) you can apply for truthful (which is the most important) check and you will get the most truthful resolution ever. As well, if you want to change something (like date of the exam) you can always ask for that, and if your professor is in the right mood, he can do that. Really, he can :) This statement is applicable in all areas in life.
3rd learning point:
People in science work like shit here
My mentor in this lab come to the work at 6 am, stays till 10 pm. After that he goes to the gym, then he goes home and writes thesis paper in medical major he is simultaneously getting with his PhD in Biotechnology. He sleeps 3-4 hours max and then next day comes :) Almost all people in my new lab work like that. And I'm for real. When I asked him why he is working his ass off like that, he replied that he wants to graduate as soon as possible and continue being a doctor somewhere in the residency. Ah yes, I forgot to mention that this week he is going to Philippines to work as a volunteer there and continue his research about eye illness in that country.
4th learning point:
If you don't have SSN, State ID or Driving license you are screwed.
Literally, you can't put utilities on your name, you can't open bank account, you can't get phone in contract, you can't do anything without that! And you feel so miserable and so depending on all these stupid papers.
5th learning point:
Try not to get any illness, trauma or anything concerned with health.
You will pay like hell. My room-mate was in car accident. Thank's God she is Ok, but her boyfriend had some serious injuries. So, she showed bills that she received from the hospital. Just for calling ambulance to the place of accident they charged her 700$ and for staying 1 hour in Emergency room 17 000$, yes seventeen thousands dollars. I don't know what did they do with her there.According to her words, doctor just examined her body and made few minor prescriptions. That's it. 17 000 $ :)
These are probably main things that I learned up to now. Hope that they will guide me successfully through my staying in this country.
суббота, 16 января 2010 г.
My year 2009
Even though it is almost the end of the month I decided to write this post, because 2009 was really special for me. So, let's start.
My New 2009 year I spent in Indian club with one of my craziest friends, my dearest Franka!
So, as we've been the only white girls in that club, we've been super stars!!!! And when next morning (yes, Indians are working on the 1st of January) I came to the office my colleague told me that he has seen me on TV yesterday. Also that January was full of crazy parties in the interns house, parties with Gagz (another crazy friend of mine :))) ), work at the company, few conflicts with mum (eventually she didn't like my staying in India, let's guess why :)) ).
According to my facebook pictures and some parts of my memory I visited lovely (read crappy) city Allahabad. This is probably the oldest city I've ever been. At least it looked like that. I seriously thought that this houses will fell down on me, when I was passing next to them. Place that I'm going to associate with Allahabad is its fort. It will always stay in my heart, my memories and in my mind. First time I've seen such a mysterious temple, that was located underground. It was great!!! Guys, you need to see by your own eyes!
Also, I passed my GRE there, but it is not that much interesting :)) As well, it was the only place when something mysterious happened with me. I visited there one of the Hindu temples, which was really veeeeery big, 3-4 flours. So, when I reached the top I've seen statue of Kali (check google, if you don't know who is that :)) ). So, I decided to take a picture of it and when I tried doing so, smoke starting to go out from my camera. Guys, I know that it sounds like a joke. I don't care. It happened with me and believe in it! I decided that Kali doesn't want me taking her picture, so I switched off my camera and didn't take any more pictures in that temple!
In March Franka and I went to Amritsar. Shit!!!!! That was probably the craziest thing I've ever did in my life! Or better to say the craziest trip I ever had. I'm for real! First of all, Friday night we decided on Saturday to go for this trip (Indian style). I was working on Saturday till 2 pm and Franka went to the club on Friday night. So, as you can see the best combination\planning\preparation for a trip, where just two girls are :) In the bus I left essential for me medicine (blondy :)) ). Than at 11 pm we entered Golden temple. Guys, it is real miracle! I've never seen something similar. It was great!!!
So, after some small excursion around Franka and I decided that we need to find some place where we can stay for a night. And as I was the most prepared among us, I read in Wikipedia travel that we can stay for a night in the temple. we asked some guys that are working there to show us room for foreigners (as they call it: VIP room). Thanks GOD I didn't say that we don't need anything extraordinary. So, this is this room:
After seeing it, Franka said: "Yulia I will pay, but let's go to the hotel! Please!" My answer was: "Franka, we came to India to experience something new! So, enjoy!" And we stayed in that room. That is what I call: move out from your comfort zone :). In the morning we went to see Golden temple from inside and I can say that it was amazing. Once again I just can appreciate how Indians adore there religion. This is something that we, Ukrainians need to learn from them!
In April we had Holi celebration. Nothing that much special, except of the fact that first we were all in different colors and than in mud. Though it was fun :)
And also in April I left home. Left my second home - India. I had great good bye party, where I got drunk and my lovely LCP put me in bad and forced me to sleep. I had great trip to Rajastan and I've seen Taj Mahal. There were lot's of great people around during that month. They were sooo kind with me. They were so helpful. Among them I would like to mention 3 VERY SPECIAL personalities: Natasha - great travel buddy, who made me laugh and think about serious stuff simultaneous, Akkriti, who was so kind to host me in Delhi, where I had to spend 3 days before my flight and special thank you I would like to say for Tonya, who made our staying in Jaipur so great!
I stayed at home. No trips. Another crazy friend of mine Katya Petrenko came to visit me for a week. And we had great time together. Really. The best party was when Anticrisis cafe was closing. Those people that we were with me that evening will understand.
In June Franka came to visit me or official reason was to participate in the project: WWB. That was great time. As usually I had a hostel at my place for all the interns that were present at that time in Lviv. Why do I live soo close to the trainee house? :)) But I'm glad for that :) I always have with whom to hang out :)
Also, Franka and I had a trip to Kiev and Dnipropetrovsk. In Kiev I had orientation from Fulbright to be prepared for trip to US. Well, what can I say. AIESEC is doing that much better for trainees. After Kiev we went to Dnipro. I think that expectations of all people involved in that trip were a bit different. That's why we had some misunderstandings. As a result we worked out everything :) I swam in river Dnipro. I will never do it again, at least in Dnipropetrovsk.
The same. Franka was living at my house. Which was nice. She is a great cook. We had lot's of nice drinking evenings/nights with trainees and Pikh. He was living with interns at that moment of time. Once again Turkish were in my life, but just for small little tiny while :))) I had great time with my friends. Gathering for beer at my place is still a good tradition. I like that.
I went to the Carpathian mountains with my mum. Which was nice. Some time together before my trip to US. As usually I was impressed with beauty of Ukraine as a country and once again I was disappointed with the quality of our service. But it is Ok. We Ukrainians are used to that. Franka left home. It was something like part of your heart was going to Germany. When she was standing in that fucking airport I couldn't speak, because I had like a clod in my throat. I think that she understood how much I love her and how much I will miss her. It was hard to say goodbye to her. Very hard.
And than I left to US.
It was the hardest time ever. I never felt so alone, so left and so useless. I couldn't understand even a word during the lectures. System of education is so different. Expectations of professors are so high and you need to perform well. No one pays attention that you are foreigner, that you might not get what they want from you. Who cares??? You need to show high results. You are in graduate school. That's all. I will not even mention all my stories about loosing luggage, loosing room-mate and my searching for a flat. The most important is that eventually it was all ok.
Lot's of studying. Lot's of!!!!! Work in the lab. From 10 am till 8-9 pm. I wanted to kill myself. The only thing that kept me motivated was my ticket back home. On 13th of December I would say everyone: fuck off, I'm going home! Nice, right??? :)) I know, sounds like I'm very proper and well-behaved girl :)) I don't care :)
I went to see my сousine in New York state. It was nice to see some family members. As well, one of my dreams came true: I saw and even touched an ocean. And also I will never forget my 30 hours trip back to Chicago. Usually this trip takes 16 hours by bus and 2 hours by airplane.
Started with my birthday :) It was great party. For 20 people. I cooked everything by myself. And I was constantly happy during that evening. I got drunk. I had lot's of men attention because of my great dress :)))
This month I also had lot's of studying and lot's of work in lab.
For Thanksgiving day Fern and I went to her former group-mate house for a dinner. It was nice to see how Americans celebrate their holidays. All I can say is that original American food is not that much tasty.
First part of it was totally crazy. I never studied sooooooooooooo hard. I'm serious. As I was saying that every month in US is like a year of studying in Ukraine. Guys, think twice before applying for Graduate school in medical sciences in US. Really. I passed my finals and we had a small party at my place. It changed a lot. I reconsidered my life style and some changes. I know that they will help in future.
On 13th of December I went home and I was the happiest person on the world. I saw my mum and my best friends. Finally!!!!!! I'm home :)))) My real home :)
Finally I found time for: dentist, massage, cosmetologist, hair-dresser.
On 2nd of January mum and I went to Egypt. Trip was very nice. We were snorkeling a lot. See world in Egypt is simply amazing. I suggest everyone to see it by themself.
On 12th of January I went to US.
My New Year resolutions:
1) Concentrate more time/efforts/passion on studying.
2) Find a normal man
3) Change few habits :)
4) Stay positive as much as possible
5) Find more time for my valuable friends.
My New 2009 year I spent in Indian club with one of my craziest friends, my dearest Franka!

So, as we've been the only white girls in that club, we've been super stars!!!! And when next morning (yes, Indians are working on the 1st of January) I came to the office my colleague told me that he has seen me on TV yesterday. Also that January was full of crazy parties in the interns house, parties with Gagz (another crazy friend of mine :))) ), work at the company, few conflicts with mum (eventually she didn't like my staying in India, let's guess why :)) ).
According to my facebook pictures and some parts of my memory I visited lovely (read crappy) city Allahabad. This is probably the oldest city I've ever been. At least it looked like that. I seriously thought that this houses will fell down on me, when I was passing next to them. Place that I'm going to associate with Allahabad is its fort. It will always stay in my heart, my memories and in my mind. First time I've seen such a mysterious temple, that was located underground. It was great!!! Guys, you need to see by your own eyes!

Also, I passed my GRE there, but it is not that much interesting :)) As well, it was the only place when something mysterious happened with me. I visited there one of the Hindu temples, which was really veeeeery big, 3-4 flours. So, when I reached the top I've seen statue of Kali (check google, if you don't know who is that :)) ). So, I decided to take a picture of it and when I tried doing so, smoke starting to go out from my camera. Guys, I know that it sounds like a joke. I don't care. It happened with me and believe in it! I decided that Kali doesn't want me taking her picture, so I switched off my camera and didn't take any more pictures in that temple!
In March Franka and I went to Amritsar. Shit!!!!! That was probably the craziest thing I've ever did in my life! Or better to say the craziest trip I ever had. I'm for real! First of all, Friday night we decided on Saturday to go for this trip (Indian style). I was working on Saturday till 2 pm and Franka went to the club on Friday night. So, as you can see the best combination\planning\preparation for a trip, where just two girls are :) In the bus I left essential for me medicine (blondy :)) ). Than at 11 pm we entered Golden temple. Guys, it is real miracle! I've never seen something similar. It was great!!!

So, after some small excursion around Franka and I decided that we need to find some place where we can stay for a night. And as I was the most prepared among us, I read in Wikipedia travel that we can stay for a night in the temple. we asked some guys that are working there to show us room for foreigners (as they call it: VIP room). Thanks GOD I didn't say that we don't need anything extraordinary. So, this is this room:

After seeing it, Franka said: "Yulia I will pay, but let's go to the hotel! Please!" My answer was: "Franka, we came to India to experience something new! So, enjoy!" And we stayed in that room. That is what I call: move out from your comfort zone :). In the morning we went to see Golden temple from inside and I can say that it was amazing. Once again I just can appreciate how Indians adore there religion. This is something that we, Ukrainians need to learn from them!
In April we had Holi celebration. Nothing that much special, except of the fact that first we were all in different colors and than in mud. Though it was fun :)

And also in April I left home. Left my second home - India. I had great good bye party, where I got drunk and my lovely LCP put me in bad and forced me to sleep. I had great trip to Rajastan and I've seen Taj Mahal. There were lot's of great people around during that month. They were sooo kind with me. They were so helpful. Among them I would like to mention 3 VERY SPECIAL personalities: Natasha - great travel buddy, who made me laugh and think about serious stuff simultaneous, Akkriti, who was so kind to host me in Delhi, where I had to spend 3 days before my flight and special thank you I would like to say for Tonya, who made our staying in Jaipur so great!
I stayed at home. No trips. Another crazy friend of mine Katya Petrenko came to visit me for a week. And we had great time together. Really. The best party was when Anticrisis cafe was closing. Those people that we were with me that evening will understand.
In June Franka came to visit me or official reason was to participate in the project: WWB. That was great time. As usually I had a hostel at my place for all the interns that were present at that time in Lviv. Why do I live soo close to the trainee house? :)) But I'm glad for that :) I always have with whom to hang out :)
Also, Franka and I had a trip to Kiev and Dnipropetrovsk. In Kiev I had orientation from Fulbright to be prepared for trip to US. Well, what can I say. AIESEC is doing that much better for trainees. After Kiev we went to Dnipro. I think that expectations of all people involved in that trip were a bit different. That's why we had some misunderstandings. As a result we worked out everything :) I swam in river Dnipro. I will never do it again, at least in Dnipropetrovsk.
The same. Franka was living at my house. Which was nice. She is a great cook. We had lot's of nice drinking evenings/nights with trainees and Pikh. He was living with interns at that moment of time. Once again Turkish were in my life, but just for small little tiny while :))) I had great time with my friends. Gathering for beer at my place is still a good tradition. I like that.
I went to the Carpathian mountains with my mum. Which was nice. Some time together before my trip to US. As usually I was impressed with beauty of Ukraine as a country and once again I was disappointed with the quality of our service. But it is Ok. We Ukrainians are used to that. Franka left home. It was something like part of your heart was going to Germany. When she was standing in that fucking airport I couldn't speak, because I had like a clod in my throat. I think that she understood how much I love her and how much I will miss her. It was hard to say goodbye to her. Very hard.
And than I left to US.

It was the hardest time ever. I never felt so alone, so left and so useless. I couldn't understand even a word during the lectures. System of education is so different. Expectations of professors are so high and you need to perform well. No one pays attention that you are foreigner, that you might not get what they want from you. Who cares??? You need to show high results. You are in graduate school. That's all. I will not even mention all my stories about loosing luggage, loosing room-mate and my searching for a flat. The most important is that eventually it was all ok.
Lot's of studying. Lot's of!!!!! Work in the lab. From 10 am till 8-9 pm. I wanted to kill myself. The only thing that kept me motivated was my ticket back home. On 13th of December I would say everyone: fuck off, I'm going home! Nice, right??? :)) I know, sounds like I'm very proper and well-behaved girl :)) I don't care :)
I went to see my сousine in New York state. It was nice to see some family members. As well, one of my dreams came true: I saw and even touched an ocean. And also I will never forget my 30 hours trip back to Chicago. Usually this trip takes 16 hours by bus and 2 hours by airplane.

Started with my birthday :) It was great party. For 20 people. I cooked everything by myself. And I was constantly happy during that evening. I got drunk. I had lot's of men attention because of my great dress :)))
This month I also had lot's of studying and lot's of work in lab.
For Thanksgiving day Fern and I went to her former group-mate house for a dinner. It was nice to see how Americans celebrate their holidays. All I can say is that original American food is not that much tasty.
First part of it was totally crazy. I never studied sooooooooooooo hard. I'm serious. As I was saying that every month in US is like a year of studying in Ukraine. Guys, think twice before applying for Graduate school in medical sciences in US. Really. I passed my finals and we had a small party at my place. It changed a lot. I reconsidered my life style and some changes. I know that they will help in future.
On 13th of December I went home and I was the happiest person on the world. I saw my mum and my best friends. Finally!!!!!! I'm home :)))) My real home :)
Finally I found time for: dentist, massage, cosmetologist, hair-dresser.
On 2nd of January mum and I went to Egypt. Trip was very nice. We were snorkeling a lot. See world in Egypt is simply amazing. I suggest everyone to see it by themself.
On 12th of January I went to US.
My New Year resolutions:
1) Concentrate more time/efforts/passion on studying.
2) Find a normal man
3) Change few habits :)
4) Stay positive as much as possible
5) Find more time for my valuable friends.
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